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Imeplement Gatsby #2

Closed anitsh closed 4 years ago

anitsh commented 4 years ago

Why Gatsby

anitsh commented 4 years ago

GatsbyJS Implementation.

Many references taken among which listed below were useful:

The first step should have been designing the data. I started with the code directly. police-brutality-site gave good reference on that. The reason for not going through was that the Gatsby tutorials did not focus from this perspective. The plugin to create data source from markdown files skipped that part. And also other reference sites did not showed it probably they did not need it. So the link below might be very much helpful:

As I needed the system to be in TypeScript, Maximeheckel's Blog and Theme were a great reference. Although I liked the orgzantions of the code, while running Theme in the Blog was taking a lot of time, hence decide to merge the theme in the blog itself and so the the website's included theme. code is also a good reference for design. It shows great example of theme-ui implemented in Gatsby theme using theme-ui.