codebar / manual

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Include guidelines about taking pictures at our events. #50

Open despo opened 5 years ago

samsworldofno commented 5 years ago

At our last event I knew one of the students prefers not to be in photos. We announced at the start that we'd be taking photos and for anybody who wanted to not be featured to let us know one-to-one. I think this is better than forcing people to show hands / making people too uncomfortable to refuse and then being unhappy about being in photos, and better than going up to people and one-to-one asking if a photo can be taken... which kinda pressures them into a yes.

Turns out two students and a coach preferred not to be in photos, so we framed photos excluding these people. At our scale (~20 attendees) it's easy enough to remember - for a larger chapter, a better system might be appropriate. We'll ask this every time from now on - without doing so we would have inadvertently shared photos of people who weren't happy with it being done. Perhaps on the organiser guidelines (are there some? if so maybe they should be periodically re-shared) it should be suggested that this consent is sought every time, but the detail of how is up to the organiser as what works for central London might not work for a smaller chapter.

biggianteye commented 5 years ago

Tangential guidelines on how to take pictures might also help with this. eg. If you try to take large groups shots it's harder to take into account photographic consent. Taking photos that focus on individual pairs is easier from the consent perspective and are generally better pictures because you are focusing on the coach and student which is what codebar is all about.