Open FPGL opened 9 years ago
Does the scrollbar go underneath the overlay view or does it stop at the place where it's cut off by it?
The only things that come to mind are 1) Ubuntu's weird overlay scrollbar hack/module and 2) a theme issue.
For 1 you could run Geany like this to test:
For 2 you could just try changing your GTK+ theme using the Ubuntu settings.
Hi, Thanks for your response. I only use the gtk3 scrollbars provided by gnome-shell (no Unity hack). Overview doesn't have the horizontal scrollbar, even when I unchecked "Hide editor scrollbar", maybe that's why the bottom doesn't seems to fit with the main window.
@codebrainz couldn't test right now, but if you put the overlay in a scrolled window to fake the bottom scrollbar it'll fail in GTK 3.16+ with the default theme because they integrated an "overlay scrollbar"-like thing (correctly done from a technical/bugginess POV, unlike Ubuntu's thing). And ass Scintilla doesn't use a ScrolledWindow but manually adds 2 scrollbars it doesn't work with it (so wouldn't have the same aspect). if you want to fake that you'd need to put the scrollbar on the bottom manually.
On KDE, it looks like this:
@b4n I think it's just another Scintilla next to Geany's main one, except it has the internal Scintilla scrollbars turned off.
OK so I guess I don't get what the issue is -- sorry for the noise then.
In fact, because this issue is not a bug, it is simply a matter of esthetism. I was expecting Overview to be drawn as a part of the main view, but it is another pane that is adjacent to it. Anyway, the plugin does the job like a charm. I'm very thankful for this!
Hi, How to align the edge of the bottom with the top of the scrollbar. Currently, it seems that it slightly exceeds the frame.