codebroken / BrokenBot

Best Free Clash of Clans Bot - Brokenbot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] keystrokes interrupt normal pc usage during base search #45

Open Joe9411 opened 9 years ago

Joe9411 commented 9 years ago

I'm facing a problem which i didn't have when i was using another coc bot i just wanna share to see if it can be fixed somehow

whenever the bot is searching for bases (in bg mode) it interrupts my workflow in other applications (keeps me from typing or controling mouse) or if im in a game (window mode) it totaly makes it impossible to play during searching time and sometimes if i persist to keep pushing buttons to play it generate some beeps.

windows 7 64bit with aero theme - BG mode

hamidzr commented 9 years ago

i see you have already posted this :) heres some more information i added to that thread:

BrokenBot version 2.8 Windows Version and whether x32 or x64 x64 Are you running in the VM? VM Win version? im not running in VM. win ver 7 Are you using Aero theme or Basic? Aero Are you using background mode? Yes Log from BrokenBot and settings are helpful too. Easily accessed by clicking "Debug data" in config tab. idont think that can help coz nothings wrong with the bot itself Supply sreenshots to support your report. cant show it on SS