codebuddies / greetbot

Slackbot for greeting new codebuddies users
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Open to ideas: automation for /bulletinboard #22

Open lpatmo opened 6 years ago

lpatmo commented 6 years ago

Not entirely sure how a slash command could help automate the weekly @channel bulletin board going out with shout-outs, but am putting this idea here for further discussion.

Some ideas:

Here is an example bulletin board (a real message that went out last week):

Hey @everyone! This is the follow-up community bulletin board for the “LOOKING FOR, WORKING ON or HELP WANTED” weekly Friday @channel thread. 

Is anyone interested in a SQL study group? Please join the #sql channel.

@coolrazor: I just created a new channel (#dotnetwebdev) for anyone interested in learning ASP.NET Web Development.  I'm hoping to get a study group going for beginners (like me).  Feel free to jump in and let me know what you think.

@morgan: I'm starting a couple of basic projects to test out (UI framework that compiles to vanilla JS) 

@davidsilva: Doing more progress on; looking for new challenge ideas and feedback.

@bpwebs: Hey guys, test out new site I working on him still working on lot bugs, issues some page don't have content. --> looking for harsh feedback, please. lol -->

@bpwebs: Has anyone worked with the Apple API before? I have a few questions to ask you.

@NikkieA: Hey everyone. Im Nikkie and I'm trying to fortify my baseline in code before moving on to a new code. I'm looking for a group to build on and test out my knowledge of HTML and CSS. Any suggestions?

@linda: Discovered this neat tool for referencing times between multiple timezones: Useful if you’re trying to figure out hangout times with study partners from multiple continents XD. h/t @tgrrr.

*Go-ing over the Basics: Syntax & Small Problems*
Please RSVP on
Goal of Hangout:
Continuing to [Go] forward with our problems (sorry for the pun!)
We'll keep moving forward through basic problem solving & language fundamentals. We'll review examples & problems.....continuing our excellentdiscussions!
Thus far, we've covered problems through Matrix.
In this upcoming hangout, we will tackle sets / subsets in Sublist, & one of Go's important core features with Error Handling.
In addition, we'll take on Flatten Array.
If we have time/energy, we'll also try to Bank Account.

*Official Django Tutorial, Part V: Wrap-up*

1.We will reflect on the official Django tutorial:
And we will discuss where we can go in the future in terms of learning Django. (e.g. progress on a Django project)
*Look for the @channel announcement next Friday if you want to share something on next week's bulletin board!*```
BethanyG commented 6 years ago

One thought is an adaptation of this: Haven't looked too closely at it yet, but it could maybe provide a skeleton of what we are looking for? On the backend, we could either use the current apps node-json-db..or go mongo, if needed. We may want a beefier DB anyways..if our /resources list gets too big, it might be better stored in a DB rather than files anyways....