codebuddies / greetbot

Slackbot for greeting new codebuddies users
MIT License
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Add Interactive Message for How to Ask for Technical Help #5

Open BethanyG opened 6 years ago

BethanyG commented 6 years ago

This is not fully formed, and definitely needs work and discussion. But it would be nice to add a slash command or interactive message that sent a user through a short set of questions that prompted them for:

  1. What, exactly their technical question is about (programming language, stack, API, etc.)
  2. What their code looks like (snippett, pen, github file, etc.)
  3. What error messages / stack traces they have gotten (snippett, pen, file, etc.)
  4. What they think might be the issue & what they have tried so far themselves to solve it

The thought would be to then take the answers to the above questions, and have the bot auto-post the results to the appropriate (probably selected by the user) channel on their behalf.

BethanyG commented 6 years ago

Just edited the Slack bot, so am pasting two screegrabs here for future reference.

screen shot 2018-02-15 at 5 06 45 pm screen shot 2018-02-15 at 5 06 59 pm

BethanyG commented 6 years ago

Also adding the Markdown for those messages here, in case we want it for later.

Can someone help? :+1::skin-tone-5: Someone most likely can! :+1::skin-tone-5: But juuust in case - answering the following questions can help us better help you: :star: What have you tried so far? Give a quick rundown of your process. :star:What does your code look like? (_Is it on Github? Can you paste it into,,, -- or create a snippet :heavy_plussign: ?) :star:What was expected? What happened instead? Are there screenshots or error logs you can share? :heavy_exclamation_mark:Remember: everyone here is volunteering their help. :star:Pay it forward!:star:

Can I ask a question? :balloon: SURE THING! :balloon: But juuust in case - answering the following questions can help us better help you: :star: What have you tried so far? Give a quick rundown of your process. :star:What does your code look like? (_Is it on Github? Can you paste it into,,, -- or create a snippet? :heavy_plussign:) :star:What was expected? What happened instead? Are there screenshots or error logs you can share? :heavy_exclamation_mark:Remember: everyone here is volunteering their help. :star:Pay it forward!:star:

?halp Craft Your Question so that Others Can Better Help You :tm: :star: Be Clear What's this regarding & what are you trying to do? :star: Be Aware Are you in the right topic channel? Browse channels to find the right ones. Please don't spam or cross post.) :star: Don't give us a ??? without clues What have you tried so far? Let us know. :star: Post as much relevant code as possible _Use tools like, or - or use the :heavy_plussign: to the left of the text field for a snippet. :star: Set Expectations What behavior(s) were you expecting & what is happening instead? :star: Be Nice Remember that we're a community & not Stack Overflow. :star: We're not baby sitters We're happy to help debug with you to the best of our abilities, but to a certain extent, you have to have the ability to help yourself. :star::star: We're Async & 100% Volunteer If you need immediate help, we suggest using Codementor or Hackhands.