codebuddies / v3

CodeBuddies v3 (final)
5 stars 1 forks source link

[Decision] Tech stack #1

Closed lpatmo closed 4 years ago

lpatmo commented 4 years ago

The comparison rubric:


lpatmo commented 4 years ago

What I'm leaning towards right now:

Front-end React hosted on Netlify with GraphQL

Back-end Django Rest Framework with a Postgres DB hosted on AWS Lambda functions on Netlify with FaunaDB

Django advantages:

Netlify advantages:

Feel grateful to @cbelsole and @angelocordon, and @peoray for looking into React, Node, and Vue, but feel like Django or Netlify would draw more contributors. Still happy to be convinced the other way, though.

Next Steps

  1. Estimate how expensive Netlify w/ lambda functions can get and compare with estimated costs hosting Django on AWS (help wanted)
  2. Try to get a gauge of whether new contributors (who haven't touched the prototypes yet) would find it easier writing netlify-lambda functions or adding to Django DRF
angelocordon commented 4 years ago

Does it sound like we'll be moving forward with Django DRF + React front end?

lpatmo commented 4 years ago

Whoops, didn't follow up here... decision to move ahead with Django DRF + React documented here:

Closing this issue now. :)