codebuddies / v3

CodeBuddies v3 (final)
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[Design] Hangouts #3

Open lpatmo opened 4 years ago

lpatmo commented 4 years ago

Please share designs of anything pertaining to Hangouts and comment with feedback below.

lpatmo commented 4 years ago

Food for thought: Focusmate's calendar UI for booking focus sessions:


lpatmo commented 4 years ago

Pasting Bethany's thoughts here:

I think I'd go the opposite direction: Just have a "Propose a meeting around this" and "Setup a meeting around this" actions - and that "meeting" or "hangout" or whatever we want to call it can be recurring or not, and with a lead or not, and "open to join" or not - as simple flags in the setup flow. So if what I wanted was a coding partner, I'd have a "coding with partners" flag once I pushed a [propose a hangout] button on a codebuddies connect profile. Those activities that are open to join become listed on a "Hangouts" or "Activities" page -- those that are not are listed on private feeds. Maybe having a whole category or entrypoint that is solely "Hangouts" is part of the issue?? So maybe the Hangouts page is more like a global activity feed, and not a place you make hangouts...if that makes any sense...... I think one of the scenarios I see a lot is that people want to be matched with a coding partner, project team, or study buddy(s) - and they think setting up a hangout will get them that matching -- but it doesn't...because setting a meeting is sort of the "final" step in the finding/discussing/matching process. Maybe we don't call out the "setting up a meeting" part as a big feature? Maybe it's about helping people decide on the steps that they take to get there? A flow for coding partners A flow for project partners, A flow for resource/material discussions, A flow for ongoing meetings or checkins around something.... ...... and "Hangout" is just one of the things that's a possibility for connection along those paths?? I know I may be saying almost the exact same thing....but maybe the "work" or problem that people have with hangouts is the problem they have with organizing to learn in the first place -- it's really "final" - they have to do all this thinking and work to commit to it. So maybe the site can help them make those decisions by channeling them into flows around possible strategies or activities (find a coding partner, find a topic, find a project, find a group to chat with, find a group to study with, see what others are learning, etc.....).