codebutler / farebot

Read data from public transit cards using your NFC Android phone!
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Support for NY/NJ PATH SmartLink Card #63

Open andrewblossom opened 10 years ago

andrewblossom commented 10 years ago

I'm happy to help out reverse engineering this where necessary. Here's an initial dump of data from the card (via the NFC TagInfo app).

<Value name="rfTechnology" description="RF technology">Type A (ISO/IEC 14443 Type A)</Value>
<Value name="tagType" description="Tag type">ISO/IEC 14443-4 Smart Card,
Mifare DESFire (MF3ICD40)</Value>
<Value name="manufacturer" description="Manufacturer">NXP Semiconductors (Germany)</Value>
<Value name="atqa" description="ATQA">0344</Value>
<Value name="sak" description="SAK">20</Value>
<Value name="historicalBytes" description="Historical bytes">80</Value>

Memory Tag: Mifare DESFire (MF3ICD40)
<Value name="batchNumber" description="Batch number">BA24139930</Value>
<Value name="productionDate" description="Production date">04/2011</Value>
<Value name="hardwareVendor" description="Hardware vendor">NXP Semiconductors (Germany)</Value>
<Value name="hardwareVersion" description="Hardware version">0.2</Value>
<Value name="hardwareType" description="Hardware type">0x0101</Value>
<Value name="hardwareCommProtocol" description="Hardware communication protocol">0x05</Value>
<Value name="hardwareMemorySize" description="Hardware memory size">4096 Byte</Value>
<Value name="softwareVendor" description="Software vendor">NXP Semiconductors (Germany)</Value>
<Value name="softwareVersion" description="Software version">0.6</Value>
<Value name="softwareType" description="Software type">0x0101</Value>
<Value name="softwareCommProtocol" description="Software communication protocol">0x05</Value>
<Value name="softwareMemorySize" description="Software memory size">4096 Byte</Value>
codebutler commented 10 years ago

Can you try the "dump raw data" button in the NXP app please?

andrewblossom commented 10 years ago

You want the full XML dump? I don't see a 'dump raw data' button in either NXP app.

codebutler commented 10 years ago

Ah looks like they changed this. Raw data hex dump now appears under the "TECH" tab.

rcmaniac25 commented 9 years ago

Has anything with this changed? Looking at the SmartLink cards myself, all the files seem to have " ~ (No access)" for the content.