codebykyle / calculated-field

A Server Side Calculated Field for Laravel Nova
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Multiple Listeners on the same event #4

Open tanthammar opened 4 years ago

tanthammar commented 4 years ago

Is it not possible to have multiple listeners on the same event?

Each of these listeners work on their own but if I add them all, only the last is updated

BroadcasterField::make(__('Gross'),  'gross')
BroadcasterField::make(__('Disc Percent'),  'disc_percent')
BroadcasterField::make(__('Disc Amount'),  'disc_amount')

ListenerField::make(__('Disc Sum'),  'disc_sum')
                ->calculateWith(function (Collection $values) {
                    // some calculations;
                    return $disc_sum;
ListenerField::make(__('Disc Sum Percent'),  'disc_sum_percent')
                ->calculateWith(function (Collection $values) {
                   // some calculations;
                    return $disc_sum_percent;
ListenerField::make(__('Discounted Gross'),  'discounted_gross')
                ->calculateWith(function (Collection $values) {
                    // some calculations;
                    return $disc_gross;
pauldstar commented 4 years ago

In the listener field, at "calculated-field/resources/js/components/listener-field/FormField.vue" the following code causes the event to only affect one listener component at a time.

calculateValue: _.debounce(function() {
      this.calculating = true;

        .then(response => {
          this.value =;
          this.calculating = false;
        .catch(() => {
          this.calculating = false;
    }, 500),

Removing the _.debounce() function, and replacing the above code with this solved it for me:

calculateValue: function() {
    this.calculating = true;

        .then(response => {
            this.calculating = false;
        .catch(() => {
            this.calculating = false;

Of course, it's not ideal to modify vendor/package code. So I basically followed @codebykyle instructions here, and created my own custom package, to fix this issue myself.

jappiewent commented 2 years ago

@pauldstar @codebykyle

This issue can be fixed while keeping the debounce in place! This is a very useful article I used helping debug this part.

Rewrite calculate value function:

    calculateValue: function () {
      this.calculating = true;
          .then(response => {
            this.value =;
            this.calculating = false;
          .catch(() => {
            this.calculating = false;

And add the debounce to the mounted part of your component:

  mounted: function () {
    this.calculateValue = _.debounce(this.calculateValue, 500).bind(this);