codecasts / php-alpine

PHP APK Repository for Alpine Linux
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PHP packages > 7.3.26 unavailable #145

Closed AngeloDelgado closed 2 years ago

AngeloDelgado commented 2 years ago

In order to resolve some security issues, it was recommended to update our software, in particular the package php7=7.3.22-r0. I'm using a third party container based on alpine 3.11.11 and I'm trying to update the package to the version php7=7.3.28 ( any other minor version greater than php7=7.3.28 will be ok ) I performed the following steps: `

  1. Download the public key
    wget -O /etc/apk/keys/ 
  2. Add the correct repo into the Alpine image :
    ALPINE_VERSION=`cat /etc/alpine-release | cut -d'.' -f-2` ; echo "@php$ALPINE_VERSION/php-7.3" >> /etc/apk/repositories
  3. Verify packages available:
    apk update && apk list | grep php7-7


    bash-5.0# apk list | grep php7-7
    php7-7.3.22-r0 x86_64 {php7} (PHP-3.01 BSD LGPL-2.0-or-later MIT Zend-2.0)
    php7-7.3.26-r1 x86_64 {php7} (PHP-3)

    As you can see the latest package available is 7.3.26-r1, is there any possibility to have a more recent package on the repo?

hernandev commented 2 years ago

I think it's already on last one