codecat / godot-tbloader

TrenchBroom Loader for Godot 4. (Alternative to Qodot)
MIT License
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Add a build FGD button #55

Open krazyjakee opened 1 year ago

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

This PR adds a button to the tbloader toolbar when the tbloader node is selected addressing this issue:


Clicking this button iterates through the existing entities and creates an fgd file for use with trenchbroom. A guide to the kind of variables it can support, usage and limitation information is available here:

@codecat I know you specifically requested this functionality in C++, however, this is a working starting point.

codecat commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the PR! It's a little weird to have this as a submodule I think, especially as the repository also includes TBLoader itself 😜

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

Agreed. Made the necessary changes.

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

The readme still reads "Since Qodot currently doesn't officially support Godot 4" which is no longer true, however, there are other valid reasons why tbloader is better than Qodot and that includes how FGD files are generated in this PR. It's zero-config and so much easier to get going without running to documentation to fill out boilerplate logic.

codecat commented 1 year ago

Huh? Qodot supports Godot 4 now? Do you have any link for that?

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

codecat commented 1 year ago

Oh that's awesome! I see it also requires the .Net version of Godot 4, so I suppose that's another benefit of TBLoader.

Honestly I was hoping I could eventually stop maintaining this and direct people back to Qodot 😅

We'll see how it goes. Gonna keep supporting it for some time anyway.

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

Oh that's awesome! I see it also requires the .Net version of Godot 4, so I suppose that's another benefit of TBLoader.

Honestly I was hoping I could eventually stop maintaining this and direct people back to Qodot 😅

We'll see how it goes. Gonna keep supporting it for some time anyway.

Yes please!

I wish I had a background in C++ so I could get more involved.

codecat commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your work on this by the way. I will do my best to review this as soon as I possibly can. 🤗

HeadClot commented 11 months ago

Any word on when this is going to be merged into TBLoader?