codecat / godot-tbloader

TrenchBroom Loader for Godot 4. (Alternative to Qodot)
MIT License
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Add "Build FGD" button (C++) #67

Open retro-git opened 1 year ago

retro-git commented 1 year ago

I saw that #55 adds a "Build FGD" button to export an fdg definition file. However, since that code is written in GDScript, I have rewritten it in C++ to be more in-line with this project's style and to clean up the code somewhat.

codecat commented 1 year ago

Hey this is pretty cool! I haven't looked too much at this yet, but maybe @krazyjakee has some input on this?

krazyjakee commented 1 year ago

That's all hieroglyphs to me. Much like my own version, it really needs tests to provide assurance. Not a necessity of course but my 2 cents.