codecat / godot-tbloader

TrenchBroom Loader for Godot 4. (Alternative to Qodot)
MIT License
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Error when building from source #79

Closed mrjshzk closed 12 months ago

mrjshzk commented 1 year ago

After building from source, and putting it on a Godot 4.0 or 4.1 project, it spits out an error and is unable to use the plugin

ERROR: GDExtension configuration file must contain a "configuration/compatibility_minimum" key: res://addons/tbloader/tbloader.gdextension

SCRIPT ERROR: Parse Error: Could not find type "TBLoader" in the current scope. -> inside src/ _handles function

mrjshzk commented 1 year ago

Just fixed it by only adding the key in the .gdextension file like in the example below

Also, it's right here the godot source code now - gdextension only supported by 4.1

[configuration] entry_symbol = "tbloader_init" compatibility_minimum = 4.1

[libraries] windows.64 = "bin/" linux.64 = "bin/" macos.64 = "bin/libtbloader.macos.universal.dylib"