codecentric / single-page-application-server

Base image and Helm chart for serving Single Page Applications (SPAs)
MIT License
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Support custom hashed file name formats #12

Open PSanetra opened 6 months ago

PSanetra commented 6 months ago

Some bundlers like rollup (also implicitly used by vite) use other file name formats by default, which are not supported by single-page-application-server at the moment. It would be nice optionally to support other file names formats.

See and

As a workaround for vite I recommend to adjust the rollupOptions to use hex as hash-characters and adjust the filenames formats like documented in the rollupjs documentation:


export default defineConfig(({ mode, command }) => {
  return {
    build: {
      rollupOptions: {
        output: {
          hashCharacters: 'hex',
          entryFileNames: `assets/[name].[hash].js`,
          chunkFileNames: `assets/[name].[hash].js`,
          assetFileNames: `assets/[name].[hash].[ext]`
PSanetra commented 1 month ago

The same issue applies to Angular since angular-cli application builder is based on rollup.js since v17. Currently I see no way in customizing the filename formats.