codecentric / web-clip

A Chrome extension to extract structured data from any web page and store it to a Solid Pod.
MIT License
11 stars 3 forks source link

Support Enterprise Solid Server (ESS) #21

Open angelo-v opened 2 years ago

angelo-v commented 2 years ago

As the owner of a pod at inrupt pod spaces I want to use my pod with WebClip So that I do not have to create a pod elsewhere just to use WebClip

Background info:

Clipping to Inrupt Pod Spaces (which is based on ESS) failed:

undefined Error: Update: Loaded <>but stil can't figure out what editing protcol it supports. undefined at UpdateManager.update (chrome-extension://jjmieagjdpgikkkcnpagkbdldcalmola/background.js:65457:19) undefined at chrome-extension://jjmieagjdpgikkkcnpagkbdldcalmola/background.js:65466:22

angelo-v commented 2 years ago

caused by