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Short update for all codecheckers and volunteers #23

Open nuest opened 2 years ago

nuest commented 2 years ago

:wave: Hi @codecheckers/codecheckers !

I just wanted to leave a brief note here, because the CODECHECK project has been rather silent in the last months. I on my end focused on wrapping up my thesis, and since a few months ago I'm on full parental leave and have my hands full day and night :baby: :smile:.

Nevertheless, @sje30 and I are still excited to move this initiative forward. There are conversations with publishers/journals happening from time to time, @sje30 recently participated in a panel discussion, and we have a growing community of volunteers, so we could really carry quite a workload by now. That is fantastic :tada:

In the meantime, feel free to share the CODECHECK ideas yourself, give talks at your institution, bombard editors at your favorite journal with suggestions to introduce codechecking, give talks about computational reproducibility, or chime in on one of the issues in this discussion forum.

And please do keep the community posted!

Cheers, Daniel

sje30 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this Daniel.

Keep safe everyone.