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Dynamic SVG badges for CODECHECK reports #24

Open sje30 opened 2 years ago

sje30 commented 2 years ago

During the review of our codecheck paper, a reviewer commented

The badge that is delivered would need some time information since the check is valid at one point in time (with a given software stack) and does not guarantee future runs.

So, what we were thinking was extending the codecheck logo by another line to include either a timestamp, or even just the certificate number (which starts with the year). codecheck_logo

I was thinking of having the URL split over two lines, e.g. cert/2022-001

(and if so, then we'd need a bit of extra website work to make the URL []

@nuest did you make the previous version of the logo? If we added an extra line, could we then use sed to generate new ones?

Alternatively, I see there are now several implementations of 'plain' SVG badges, codecheck org uk-cert_2022-01

but this style looks a bit too long to me.

sje30 commented 2 years ago

ok; sed won't work, as the svg doesn't contain text ( it has been converted to path)

playing around with tikz (of course), I came up with this prototype:


which was made using


\tikzset{fontscale/.style = {font=\relsize{#1}}

       rectangle split,
       rectangle split parts=2,
       rectangle split part fill={topcolor,botcolor},
       rounded corners,
       minimum height=2em,
       text width=4.4cm,
       inner sep=2pt,

\node [state] {\Huge{CODE}\\\huge{CHECK}\nodepart{two}\\cert/2022-001};
\node (c) at (1,0.5) [font=\fontsize{40}{0}\selectfont,text=white] {\Checkmark};

pdflatex twopart.tex
pdfcrop twopart.pdf
pdf2svg twopart-crop.tex twopart.svg

Starting point:

I didn't think about fine tuning it yet, more proof of concept.

What font did you use in inkscape? I couldn't work it out.