$ codeclimate analyze
1: Definition for rule 'xss/no-mixed-html' was not found [eslint]
1: Definition for rule 'xss/no-location-href-assign' was not found [eslint]
Expected Behavior
I would expect the same results as running yarn eslint would provide. For example:
33:5 error unencoded HTML passed in to function '.html' xss/no-mixed-html
Would it be possible for https://github.com/Rantanen/eslint-plugin-xss to be added to the supported plugins?
While there is a supported security plugin, there is currently no plugin that checks for general xss vulnerabilities in supported plugins.
Though this plugin is in the package.json for this repo, it doesn't seem to be supported.
Actual Behavior
codeclimate yaml
Expected Behavior
I would expect the same results as running
yarn eslint
would provide. For example:Relevant links
https://github.com/Rantanen/eslint-plugin-xss https://github.com/codeclimate/codeclimate-eslint/blob/master/package.json#L94