codeclimate / codeclimate-rubocop

Code Climate Engine for Rubocop
MIT License
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codeclimate-rubocop not catching issues #266

Open imajes opened 3 years ago

imajes commented 3 years ago

Hey climateers,

I'm noticing that for some reason i'm not able to get the codeclimate-rubocop analyzer to be able to find/determine errors.

here's a comparison:

% rubocop   
Inspecting 545 files


config/initializers/cop_trigger.rb:3:1: C: Style/GlobalVars: Do not introduce global variables.
$GLOBAL_BADNESS = "some pointlessly quoted string"
config/initializers/cop_trigger.rb:3:19: C: Style/StringLiterals: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.
$GLOBAL_BADNESS = "some pointlessly quoted string"

545 files inspected, 2 offenses detected, 2 offenses auto-correctable

However, when run via CC:

% CODECLIMATE_DEBUG=1 codeclimate analyze -e rubocop:rubocop-0-92
Starting analysis
I, [2020-12-22T00:59:38.100682 #1]  INFO -- : starting engine rubocop
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:02.091052 #1] DEBUG -- : /config.json content: {"enabled"=>true, "channel"=>"rubocop-0-92", "config"=>".rubocop.yml", "include_paths"=>[".better-html.yml", ".browserslistrc", ".bundle/", ".circleci/", ".codeclimate.yml", ".devpack", ".devpack_initializers/", ".dockerignore", ".env.development", ".env.example", ".env.test", ".erb-lint.yml", ".github/", ".gitignore", ".nvmrc", ".pry_history", ".rspec", ".rubocop.yml", ".ruby-gemset", ".ruby-version", ".solargraph.yml", ".stylelintrc", "Dockerfile", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "Procfile", "", "Rakefile", "app/", "babel.config.js", "bin/", "", "[REDACTED]", "docker-compose.yml", "jest.setup.js", "lib/", "log/", "package.json", "postcss.config.js", "scrap/", "storage/"], "debug"=>"1"}
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:02.109017 #1] DEBUG -- : docker run: ["docker", "run", "--name", "cc-engines-rubocop-rubocop-0-92-73a75734-22e2-475a-aa6b-fd53d20aa0d5", "--cap-drop", "all", "--label", "com.codeclimate.label=a6dc7471-fca1-4bc8-a436-cab68359f5fb", "--log-driver", "none", "--memory-swap", "-1", "--net", "none", "--rm", "--volume", "/Users/james/Projects/[REDACTED]:/code:ro", "--volume", "/tmp/cc/37889be1-43aa-457d-927c-c58889c11881:/config.json:ro", "--user", "9000:9000", "--memory", "1024000000", "codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop:rubocop-0-92"]
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:47.432874 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: An error occurred while Layout/FirstParameterIndentation cop was inspecting /code/app/[REDACTED].rb:8:4.
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:47.433553 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: To see the complete backtrace run rubocop -d.
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:49.936811 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: An error occurred while Layout/FirstParameterIndentation cop was inspecting /code/app/helpers/[REDACTED]_helper.rb:65:4.
D, [2020-12-22T01:00:49.937796 #1] DEBUG -- : engine stderr: To see the complete backtrace run rubocop -d.
I, [2020-12-22T01:00:55.441913 #1]  INFO -- : finished engine rubocop

Analysis complete! Found 0 issues.

I can't figure out how better to debug this... but it's clear that running via codeclimate isn't getting it done.

relevant portion of .codeclimate.yml:

  # Code Climate's default rubocop version is old. This change allows us to control the version Code Climate uses.
  # Channels available:✓&query=channel%2Frubocop
    enabled: true
    channel: rubocop-0-92
      file: .rubocop.yml

halps? :) (sorry @ale7714 , but cc'ing you in because i know y'all super busy, but i am blocked on this - thanks)

imajes commented 3 years ago

@fede-moya happy holidays! 🎄 ☃️

just wondered if you happened to have any time to look at this -- it feels like (i hope) a simple fix :D

ale7714 commented 3 years ago

@imajes happy holidays! we are having issues reproducing this bug. Could you please share a sample code where you're experiencing this issue? If you don't feel comfortable sharing over here. Please, send an email to so we can take a look at what's going on. Thank you!

imajes commented 3 years ago

@ale7714 thanks for replying! I pinged you back via the RLS slack -- it may be easier to zoom or something to quickly dive in. Thank you for being so awesome and on top of all these things! ❤️

fede-moya commented 3 years ago


Could be the case that the code we discussed is not valid ruby code ? As we discussed, our theory was right and you are not seeing any rubocop issues because the ruby-parser is failing at some point.

I have run the parser latest version, 3.0.0 against the following code and and I have received the following error message.

def hello(
  puts "#{a} - #{b}"

hello("Parameter A", "Parameter B")
hello.rb:4:1: error: unexpected token tRPAREN
hello.rb:4: )
hello.rb:4: ^

Which is exactly the same parser error that I remember seeing in the logs.

Also trying to run that also cause and error

>> ruby hello.rb
hello.rb:4: syntax error, unexpected ')'
hello.rb:6: syntax error, unexpected `end', expecting end-of-input

All those problems go away if we remove the comma after argument b, seems like it's not valid ruby. Like this:

def hello(
  puts "#{a} - #{b}"

hello("Parameter A", "Parameter B")

Might that extra comma got introduced by mistake ? 🤔

imajes commented 3 years ago

@fede-moya i triple checked, and there's no dangling comma. Sorry man. it's not the error :(