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WIP: audit and testing of bundle analysis product v0-1.5 #1115

Open codecovdesign opened 7 months ago

codecovdesign commented 7 months ago

Problem to solve

As we release the MVP of bundle analysis, we'd like to better understand the usability of configuration, user perception, and identify areas of improvements.

Configuration Experience:
Data Interpretation:
Repo-Level Insights:

Participant Criteria

test scipt # User Test Script for Bundle Configuration Tool ## Introduction ### Greet the Participant: - "Hello [Participant's Name], thank you for joining us today. We're excited to get your input on our new bundle analysis tool." ### Consent to Record: - "Before we start, we'd like to record this session for analysis and improvement purposes. Do you consent to us recording this session?" ### Explain the Test: - "We'll be asking you to complete a task using the tool, and we'd like you to share your screen and walk us through your process. Your insights are invaluable to us." ### Intro Questions: 1. "Before we begin, could you tell us a bit about how you currently manage your bundle configurations?" 2. "What challenges have you faced in this area?" 3. "Is there anything in particular you wish you had to make this easier?" ## Task Instructions ### Task Introduction: - "Imagine you've just heard that Sentry/Codecov has launched a new tool for bundle analysis. You're interested in configuring it for your organization's repository to see how it can improve your workflow." ### Specific Task: - "Your organization is 'turing-corp', and you need to configure the tool for your repository. Let's pretend the repository name is '[Insert Repo Name]'. How would you go about setting this up?" ## During the Task: - Encourage the participant to think aloud as they navigate the configuration process. - Take notes on any difficulties they encounter, any feedback they offer, and their overall user experience. ## Wrap-Up: - Thank them for their participation and valuable feedback. - Ask if they have any final thoughts or questions about the tool. - Inform them about the next steps and how their feedback will be used to improve the tool.

Next steps

codecovdesign commented 6 months ago

sync with @nicholas-codecov

codecovdesign commented 6 months ago
test script template # User Test Script for Bundle Configuration Tool ## Introduction ### Greet the Participant: - "Hello [Participant's Name], thank you for joining us today. We're excited to get your input on our new bundle analysis tool." ### Consent to Record: - "Before we start, we'd like to record this session for analysis and improvement purposes. Do you consent to us recording this session?" ### Explain the Test: - "We'll be asking you to complete a task using the tool, and we'd like you to share your screen and walk us through your process. Your insights are invaluable to us." ### Intro Questions: 1. "Before we begin, could you tell us a bit about how you currently manage your bundle configurations?" 2. "What challenges have you faced in this area?" 3. "Is there anything in particular you wish you had to make this easier?" ## Task Instructions ### Task Introduction: - "Imagine you've just heard that Sentry/Codecov has launched a new tool for bundle analysis. You're interested in configuring it for your organization's repository to see how it can improve your workflow." ### Specific Task: - "Your organization is 'turing-corp', and you need to configure the tool for your repository. Let's pretend the repository name is '[Insert Repo Name]'. How would you go about setting this up?" ## During the Task: - Encourage the participant to think aloud as they navigate the configuration process. - Take notes on any difficulties they encounter, any feedback they offer, and their overall user experience. ## Wrap-Up: - Thank them for their participation and valuable feedback. - Ask if they have any final thoughts or questions about the tool. - Inform them about the next steps and how their feedback will be used to improve the tool.
codecovdesign commented 6 months ago

Participant 0

TLDR; The participant's attempt to configure the bundle analysis tool was unsuccessful due to reliance on micro bundling, which wasn't compatible. Additionally, they encountered delays and confusion in the GitHub app recognizing the installation, impacting their ability to view their organization and repository promptly.

Intro Questions:


Configuration Attempt:

User Retro:

codecovdesign commented 6 months ago

Participant 4

TLDR: The developer successfully configured the bundle analysis tool but encountered slow loading times for the PR comment report. They appreciated the in-app summary data but expressed a desire for visibility into changes across commits.


Wrap-Up Questions and Feedback

codecovdesign commented 5 months ago

WIP: Participant 2

TLDR: The user successfully configured the repository, beginning with the documentation before moving to the app for the repo token. Their focus was on repo-level data, contributing many valuable suggestions for utilizing this data (see insights below).


USER RETRO of Repo > Bundle Summary

PR Comment

codecovdesign commented 5 months ago

WIP: Participant 1

TLDR The user successfully configured the bundle analysis tool, navigating through documentation and the app to obtain the necessary upload token. They experienced some confusion and errors within the UI but ultimately accessed the report. Insights on desired features and improvements are provided below.

Intro Questions (unrelated to BA feature, rather current experience)


User Insights & Issues

Other suggestions for improvement

codecovdesign commented 5 months ago

Participant 3

TLDR: The participant discussed their current bundle configuration process, highlighting dependency and optimization challenges. They encountered issues and confusion during onboarding and configuration, particularly with the sequence of steps and understanding bundle names. Despite this they successfully configured the featured. Key insights include the desire for a tool that estimates optimization impacts and offers deeper dependency analysis.

Intro Questions


Configuration and Feedback

User Insights

codecovdesign commented 5 months ago

Participant 5

TLDR: This participant successfully configured the bundle analysis tool, with some points highlighting a need for clearer documentation and improved UI clarity, especially regarding bundle names and step sequences. They expressed a desire for advanced features such as detailed dependency analysis and change tracking.

Participant Notes

Intro Questions

Task Introduction


Configuration and Feedback

This participant's feedback illuminates the critical areas for tool enhancement, from onboarding to advanced analytical features, driving home the need for a user-centric approach in tool development and documentation.

codecovdesign commented 5 months ago

Report of Bundle Analysis Audit and Testing

TL;DR for All Participant Tests/Audits

📽️ See condensed video related to GitHub issues below (full)

Onboarding Challenges: