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[API, UI] Pull Uploads out of useCommit, and paginate #1921

Open nicholas-codecov opened 1 month ago

nicholas-codecov commented 1 month ago

Currently when we fetch a list of uploads for the UploadsCard on the commits page, we fetch them as part of the useCommit hook, without paginating them. This becomes a problem if a user has a lot of carry forward flags than this list can be thousands of entries which fetching all at once is not optimal.

To break down this work a bit more, I'd recommend duplicating the current useUploads hook, and implementing the new features, so that they can be broken into multiple PRs.

### UI Tasks
- [ ] Update `useUploads` to fetch a paginated list of uploads for a given commit, utilizing `useInfiniteQuery`
- [ ] Update `UploadsCards` to have infinite scroll
### Tasks
- [ ] Create upload errored count field
- [ ] Create upload successful count field
- [ ] Create upload carried forward count field
- [ ] Creat upload started count field
adrian-codecov commented 1 month ago
Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 12 03 18 PM

One thing I can think of is that the “18 successful” text in the image above is going to affected. Since we’re not pulling all uploads, we only have a subset of the data to have that message :confused:. I can't think of a nice way to still have this feature.

This change would also affect the display logic to decide when to show upload vs cff when both are present. Example: let a cff upload with flag "123" be in the first 20 entries and a non-cff upload with flag "123" be item 21 (assume we're paginating by 20 entries) - we'd show the cff entry in the first 20, and when we scroll, we should only show the non-cff upload and get rid of the cff one. I think the proper solution is to handle this on the backend and the frontend only worries about listing uploads, but I recall this being a challenging thing to do in the backend as the filtering logic would need to be written in SQL.

nicholas-codecov commented 1 month ago

Who isn't always up for a challenge?!

nicholas-codecov commented 1 month ago

@adrian-codecov we'll need to create four new fields for these eh? Based off of this logic:

function humanReadableOverview(state, count) {
  if (state === UploadStateEnum.error) return 'errored'
  if (state === UploadStateEnum.processed) return 'successful'
  if (state === UploadStateEnum.complete) return 'carried forward'
  if (state === UploadStateEnum.started) return 'started'