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Email infrastructure from app: invite team members to Codecov #301

Open codecovdesign opened 10 months ago

codecovdesign commented 10 months ago

Problem to solve

Context: business model and plans are based on seats; therefore increasing numbers is critical to business. Additionally, Codecov really thrives by usage across and repo/org team. Often, orgs will sign up and experiment with the product, having more team members view and experience the product adds more “skin in the game“ as well as multiple perspectives to it’s usage (think: 1) more eyes on setup, 2) team collab/efforts, 3) more decision makers = higher likelihood of getting a customer advocate).

Problem to solve: today, users sign up individually, but their team may not be aware. The user signing up is responsible for sharing the tools usage with the team.

Additionally, in the spirit of “virality”, there are very few triggers in-app that nudge users to invite/share with other users.

Solution ideation

WIP: view designs

related issue to repo page reload:

### Tasks
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cassie-codecov commented 7 months ago

@katia-sentry are we sending this via Marketo or via Send Grid?

cc. @eliatcodecov

codecovdesign commented 3 months ago

email portion / design needed to update existing share iteration (investigate if can trigger email to admins or require email input)

codecovdesign commented 3 months ago

@aj-codecov @rohan-at-sentry this issue was orginally about different touchpoints email invites could be leveraged. From the quarterly planning I recall this was scoped to add to the existing share link (design / GH-764). The touchpoint on post member gh app request has lower visibility than the above and already has a share capability. If we are doing this work, there are touchpoints the capability might be further reaching:

view touchpoint options (also includes post admin request)

rohitvinnakota-codecov commented 3 months ago

@aj-codecov @rohan-at-sentry this issue was orginally about different touchpoints email invites could be leveraged. From the quarterly planning I recall this was scoped to add to the existing share link (design / GH-764). The touchpoint on post member gh app request has lower visibility than the above and already has a share capability. If we are doing this work, there are touchpoints the capability might be further reaching:

  • sign up flow
  • post repo page configuration
  • members page

view touchpoint options (also includes post admin request)

Here is some data around post member gh app request.

It looks like we are seeing around 1-2 shares a day, so we can keep that in mind as well.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 11 46 51 AM

codecovdesign commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @rohitvinnakota-codecov! Since we have a capability already to share for post admin request and; wdyt about the other touchpoints? assuming we are doing the email infrastructure, what do you think the most impactful area would be to add that capability?

rohitvinnakota-codecov commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @rohitvinnakota-codecov! Since we have a capability already to share for post admin request and; wdyt about the other touchpoints? assuming we are doing the email infrastructure, what do you think the most impactful area would be to add that capability?

I think the members page makes the most sense, and during the sign up flow as well. Adding metrics to track how many invites have been sent out at each point would give us the best answer in terms of how successful the features are.

aj-codecov commented 3 months ago

@rohitvinnakota-codecov @codecovdesign Agreed on both members and sing up flow, the members tab especially is what jumped out at me as the most intriguing, you're likely already looking for somebody and looking to manage users if you're on that tab.

Technically this presents a challenge though, when Joey built the email functionality it didn't include emails to people outside of Codecov, so we'll need platform team help to enable that before we can release this (I don't think that necessarily inhibits building on our end though, it just won't work until platform work is completed).

codecovdesign commented 3 months ago

Joey built the email functionality it didn't include emails to people outside of Codecov

@aj-codecov I'm not aware of what was already built, can you add more context?

EDIT, quick chat with @joseph-sentry:

Email functionality assumes we are sending to a Codecov user to an email that is on file, currently nothing triggers this activity. The idea is eventually we would create a form add the functionality to send to a specified email address. It won't be complicated to implement if the trigger was an email input from the user. The current one is about sending weekly digest to current users.

If the goal in this issue is to send admin request upon github app install request, the issue with sending an admin an email is we won't know who the admin is because app is not installed, and/or if it's installed the admin may not have logged in.

question is, what is the ideal iteration we want? who do we want to send an email to and what triggers? Alternatively, we can pursue the member/sign up flow (create component to be reuse). Just want to confirm what we had in mind.

codecovdesign commented 3 months ago

update 2/26 from sprint planning

update from 2/28

no further action needed for now, unless otherwise noted by team

katia-sentry commented 2 months ago

@aj-codecov deprioritizing this for now as it's likely not going to get done this quarter. We are waiting on user feedback if this is even something worth investing in.