codecrafters-io / build-your-own-x

Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
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Add Nand2Tetris #60

Closed MustafaHaddara closed 6 years ago

MustafaHaddara commented 6 years ago

build your own computer starting from logic gates all the way to a GUI and tetris.

danistefanovic commented 6 years ago


AndyPro720 commented 2 years ago

I was wondering why was this in the uncategorized section?

bweston92 commented 2 years ago

It is 404ing

parro-it commented 2 years ago works. BTW, I take the first of the course last year, it was really fun and interesting.

AndyPro720 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I meant, a) we should segregate the two parts of the course and b) categorize them. They are too good to be in misc xD.

The first part could be in either of; How to build a computer, assembly and machine language. Second part is, OOP language (like java), Virtual Machine, and a basic OS.

What say?

nvas commented 2 years ago

Each week in this course is a "standalone" project, so each one can be considered as a separate build-your-own-x project.

AndyPro720 commented 2 years ago

I agree. Here's a mockup:

Week 1: Build your own logic gates. Language HDL Week 2: Build your own multi bit adder and ALU. Language HDL Week 3: Build your own memory chips(RAM, program counter). Language HDL Week 4: Build your own machine and assembly language. Language: Binary and Assembly Week 5: Create your own computer architecture. Language: HDL, Logicism etc Week 6: Program a assembler. Language: Any

Although a disclaimer that you need to understand the upper layers to create these, rather than pick up any one.

Also, this is only the first part of the course. xD

Should I create a new issue, or how to got about this?