codedance / jquery.AreYouSure

A light-weight jQuery "dirty forms" Plugin - it monitors html forms and alerts users to unsaved changes if they attempt to close the browser or navigate away from the page. (Are you sure?)
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Alerts on trying to change the form #148

Open MtnBiker opened 2 years ago

MtnBiker commented 2 years ago

Starting over as I had added areYouSure via `yarn add areyousure" and that is not the same as this code.

Apologies to @leo-rp who tried to help.

So now I've got yet another version. I'm trying to use a version moded by @mohideen as he's added something to deal with Turbolinks. Partially described in a Pull request and downloaded from here.

Downloaded and put in /app/webpack/src/are-you-sure.js (renamed without jquery.)

Added import areYouSure from "../src/are-you-sure.js";'; toapplication.jsand have Turbolinks andimport 'jquery';`

Added to layouts/application.html.erb

  $(function() {
    jQuery('are_you_sure > form').areYouSure(
   console.log('In $(function in application.html.erb');


<div class="col-lg-4" id="are_you_sure"> 
   <%= simple_form_for(@year, html: { class: 'form-inputs' }) do |form| %>

I added console.log("Modideen. src/are-you-sure settings: ", settings); to are_you_sure.js and the Chrome console shows

Mohideen. src/are-you-sure settings:  
{message: "You have unsaved changes!", dirtyClass: "dirty", change: null, silent: false, addRemoveFieldsMarksDirty: false, …}
addRemoveFieldsMarksDirty: false
change: null
dirtyClass: "dirty"
fieldEvents: "change keyup propertychange input"
fieldSelector: ":input:not(input[type=submit]):not(input[type=button])"
message: "You have unsaved changes!"
silent: false
softPageUnloadEvent: "turbolinks:before-visit"

But when I close the edit page, I do not get any alerts. Probably not understanding mohideen's changes

Thank you

PS: Old comments need to be removed as they are irrelevant now.

leo-rp commented 2 years ago


MtnBiker commented 2 years ago

@leo-rp Thank you for your comments. Why would I get any response if there is a typo? I think it was correct because I implemented with yarn add areyousure and in application.js import 'areyousure/areyousure.js';.

In any case I'm now trying just data-areyousure in the div without the script, but how do I add to the form? <%= simple_form_for(@year, html: { class: 'form-inputs' }) do |form| %>

I don't think I want to add an id because an id is created by Rails as shown in the html

<form class="simple_form form-inputs" id="edit_year_1361" novalidate="novalidate" action="/years/1361" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="patch"><input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="…">

leo-rp commented 2 years ago

Ok, if You can't change the Id , try this, select the form inside the div with : jQuery('#are_you_sure > form');

  $(function() {
    jQuery('#are_you_sure > form ').areyousure(
        message: 'It looks like you have been editing something. '
               + 'If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.'
MtnBiker commented 2 years ago

I left the id as it was but changed the script as you suggested jQuery('#are_you_sure > form ').areyousure( and still can't edit without the page "reloading" with content Are you sure? Yes | No. OOPS. yarn installed a different areyousure by S Loria. I'll start over tomorrow with codeance version.