codedge-llc / pigeon

iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir
MIT License
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Pigeon v2 Planning #171

Open hpopp opened 4 years ago

hpopp commented 4 years ago

General Updates




Nice to Haves

jayjun commented 4 years ago

Thanks for making Pigeon! It’s one of the key libraries for our app, would love to help make v2 happen. Consider starting a #pigeon channel at Elixir Slack if you prefer informal discussions.

hpopp commented 4 years ago

Excellent idea. Looks like the channel name conflicts with someone's pigeon username, so I set one up at #pigeon_

mayel commented 3 years ago

How are things looking for v2? Are you considering including Web Push as well?

hpopp commented 3 years ago

Finally coming up for air to work on this release. Web push will likely be the last item on the list, as I need to complete the other restructuring tasks first. Any help in planning or implementation would be much appreciated!

mayel commented 3 years ago

Web push will likely be the last item on the list, as I need to complete the other restructuring tasks first. Any help in planning or implementation would be much appreciated!

Not sure if it's any help, but I have to a WIP implementation of web push here:

It relies on this library, but I've so far hit a roadblock getting it to work:

hpopp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look!

aenonGit commented 3 years ago

hei man, thanks for the great job here! Do you have any news on the v2?

hpopp commented 3 years ago

So some general updates. I'm polishing off the MR at #185 that will support the new Ecto-style workers.

I'm introducing new Pigeon.Dispatcher and Pigeon.Adapter modules that will make this process a lot more generic. You'll configure multiple dispatchers for your application similar to a Repo.

What this looks like in code:

defmodule YourApp.APNS do
  use Pigeon.Dispatcher, otp_app: :your_app
# config.exs

config :your_app, YourApp.APNS,
  adapter: Pigeon.APNS,
  mode: :dev
defmodule YourApp.Application do
  @moduledoc false

  use Application

  @doc false
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: YourApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
iex> n ="your message", "your device token", "your push topic")
iex> YourApp.APNS.push(n)

Unfortunately in the rework it made dynamically-spawned workers quite a bit harder. I'll need to tweak a bit to get them working again before merge.

Next Steps

Once this new style is in place, anyone could write custom adapters for any sort of push system and publish on hex. As a proof of concept, if I run into any compatibility issues with the new FCM API, I will likely introduce it as a new adapter within the project, and rename the old one to FCMLegacy. APNS Web push will also be a new adapter once I get to it.

Edit Never mind on the dynamic workers. They work great with the new changes!

hpopp commented 3 years ago

FCM v1 implementation has now been merged to master! The legacy FCM API has been renamed to LegacyFCM, as the payload and configuration are quite a bit different. That API has not changed, so doing a simple rename in your projects should not break functionality.

Configuring an FCM Dispatcher

config :your_app, YourApp.FCM,
  adapter: Pigeon.FCM,
  project_id: "your-project-1234",

Design Choices

FCM v1 introduces a dozen or so object types and over 100 configurable attributes in a single message. Apart from the top level message keys, pigeon makes no effort to validate the fine-grained settings. Users of pigeon are likely reading the FCM docs anyway, so in theory, this it supports every possible use-case for FCM dispatch.

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          android: map | nil,
          apns: map | nil,
          data: map | nil,
          error: map | nil,
          fcm_options: map | nil,
          name: binary | nil,
          notification: map | nil,
          response: atom | nil,
          target: target,
          validate_only: boolean | nil,
          webpush: map | nil

  @typedoc ~S"""
  FCM notification target. Must be one of the following:

  - `{:token, "string"}` - Registration token to send a message to.
  - `{:topic, "string"}` - Topic name to send a message to, e.g. "weather". Note: "/topics/" prefix should not be provided.
  - `{:condition, "string"}` - Condition to send a message to, e.g. "'foo' in topics && 'bar' in topics".
  @type target :: {:token, binary} | {:topic, binary} | {:condition, binary}

v1 actually simplifies push responses. You can only send to one token, topic, or topic conditional at a time. No more batching of registration tokens.

      iex>{:token, "reg ID"}, %{"body" => "test message"})
        data: nil,
        notification: %{"body" => "test message"},
        target: {:token, "reg ID"}

On successful response, :name will be set to the name returned from the FCM API. If there was an error, :error will contain a JSON map of the response. :response remains similar to the other notification structs. If successful, it will have an atom of :success. If error, it will return an atomized version of the error name. Other possible values include :not_started, :timeout, or :unknown_error (if no string match of the returned error).

Next Steps

The only thing left is polish, testing, and writing a v2 migration guide. Expect to have a release candidate out soon!

victorolinasc commented 2 years ago

Hi @hpopp ! Thank you very much for your work on Pigeon!

We haven't tested this branch yet but I just wanted to know if you are still working on this and intend to release this 2.0 version. If we can help in any way just tell me and I can give you some feedback!

Thanks once again!

hpopp commented 1 year ago

Yeah the RC's should be pretty close to final release. I just published 2.0.0-rc.1 that bundled a fix from earlier this year.

macciomauro commented 1 year ago

Hi! any update on the final release? Seems that Firebase is going to dismiss the legacy FCM next year (an email came in these days). It seems here that the V2 is pretty ready.

Thank you for all you work :heart:

Xunjin commented 1 year ago

@macciomauro Indeed, It appears that we just need a migration guide for v2. @hpopp Any help needed to revise the PR or even doing it, just ping me :D

PS: I wasn't able to find the version 2.0.0-rc.1 mentioned, maybe it's not released on GitHub?

Found on Hex:

TY @brosquinha for always saving my lazy **s

tommyshadowboxer commented 6 months ago

Any news on this? Is there a migration guide for v2?

Sinc63 commented 1 month ago

One of my coworkers received the information below (my emphasis added) regarding FCM messaging to Google. We have 2 days before the legacy API is not supported and a month or two before it stops working at all. The updated APIs that we need are available only in the Release 2 version of Pigeon, so it is important to all your users that you release this version (with the important migration notes if possible) as soon as possible. I'm already working on an upgrade of our push notification software, so getting Pigeon V2 at the same time would be great!

I hope you are close to ready and can complete things shortly. Thanks for your efforts.

We’re writing to remind you that starting **June 20, 2024** the legacy Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) APIs will be discontinued. This change will cause the legacy APIs to return an increased number of error responses.

The discontinued APIs will be **completely shut down by July-August 2024**.

What you need to do
If you’re still using legacy APIs to send messages with FCM, and do not expect the migration to the HTTP v1 API to be completed by June 20, 2024, please submit an extension request with Firebase Support before then to avoid disruptions in your service.

We’re here to help
We understand this change may take some planning, and we're here to support you during this transition. If you have any questions or need more information about the specific error codes and error messages, please review the Firebase FAQs.