codediodeio / angular-firestarter

🍱 :fire: Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter
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cannot load @angular/material #13

Closed KevinMind closed 6 years ago

KevinMind commented 6 years ago

I've tried following instructions. I get one of two errors:

  1. app runs with ng serve but material components render as naked html elements.

    looks like a plane html button
  2. the app does not load because "md component is not a known element in angular"

trying out from a fresh clone. Have you run into this before?

Steven-Harris commented 6 years ago

ensure you followed all the steps here.

and you're importing the component you're trying to use into your module

KevinMind commented 6 years ago

I was only importing components to app.module and ui.module. I imported to the specific module I wanted a component on and it worked.

Steven-Harris commented 6 years ago

@KevinMind, Glad you figured it out. Please close this is issue when you can.