codediodeio / angular-firestarter

🍱 :fire: Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter
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failed on ng serve #17

Closed benja-admin closed 6 years ago

benja-admin commented 6 years ago

literally followed the readme and fails on ng serve. npm-debug.log

codediodeio commented 6 years ago

I just made some updates to the dependencies that should fix the issue. Try cloning the latest version and let me know if the problem continues. Also, make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed on your system.

eddwo1 commented 6 years ago

Also experiencing this problem with latest version of your repository. TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at createSourceFile C:([...]\angular-firestarter\node_modules\typescript\lib\typescript.j s:15457:109)

brianGammon commented 6 years ago

@eddwo1 Make sure you created the environments/environment.ts file. If it's missing you'll get that error message.