codediodeio / angular-firestarter

🍱 :fire: Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter
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Google login from home screen failed #18

Open hansanker opened 6 years ago

hansanker commented 6 years ago

Problem: After login with Google, a black page appears on the front. The firestarter app start screen is not visible.


Google seems to login, but the firestarter is not visible, a blank screen appears.


codediodeio commented 6 years ago

Can you confirm this is still an issue? I just pushed a major update the auth service and upgraded to Angular 5. Updates are deployed to

maneesht commented 6 years ago

@codediodeio I seem to be having a related problem where I log in, but the PWA crashes. My personal PWA does the same. I think there's a related issue here: but it seems fixed somewhat recently

BinhDuongNguyen commented 6 years ago

it still happen on IOS when i save to home screen. any update ?

timlouw commented 4 years ago

@BinhDuongNguyen The same happens for me on IOS and Android, I've upgraded to Angular 8.

HarrisonMayotte commented 4 years ago

Can y'all confirm it is still an issue?