codediodeio / angular-firestarter

🍱 :fire: Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter
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Material design. #49

Open itsSilver opened 6 years ago

itsSilver commented 6 years ago

Hi there, this is not an issue but can you share a quick tutorial on youtube about how to pass firestarter from bulma css to material design? or any easy way to do so?


codediodeio commented 6 years ago

It's really just a matter of changing up all the templates and CSS. I'm sure I will have more Angular Material content on the channel in the future :)

LeoUrzua commented 5 years ago

Angular 6 comes with new support to angular material from CLI

for example you can create components with material design using:

$ ng generate @angular/material:materialNav --name myNav
$ ng generate @angular/material:materialDashboard --name myDashboard
$ ng generate @angular/material:materialTable -- name myTable