codedthemes / mantis-free-react-admin-template

Mantis is React Dashboard Template having combine tone of 2 popular react component library - MUI and Ant Design principles.
MIT License
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Taking off the localhost:300/free Part and replace it with the app name #27

Closed PatriciaCollinz closed 7 months ago

PatriciaCollinz commented 11 months ago

Like the title descirbes that's where I'm stuck, I've tried going where is and remplaced it with and still get the same URL, btw I'm using the free version 1.1.2.

PS: to clarify the issue is not in the browser per say, it's in vs code when I type npm start, the automatic url it goes to is localhost:3000/free so when it opens up in the browser obviously there's nothing bc I changed the path so I have to delete free from the link and leave it at 3000, that's my issue... I'd like it to generate the path localhost:3000 and automaitucally show that in the browser.

Thank you in advance

kartikchhipa commented 9 months ago

In the package.json remove the "homepage" key

phoenixcoded20 commented 7 months ago

In the package.json remove the "homepage" key

This should resolve issue. Please reopen if not.