codedthinking / Kezdi.jl

Julia package for data manipulation and analysis
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Commit to trigger registrator #109

Closed korenmiklos closed 4 days ago

korenmiklos commented 4 days ago

@JuliaRegistrator register

JuliaRegistrator commented 4 days ago

Error while trying to register: Register Failed @korenmiklos, it looks like you are not a publicly listed member/owner in the parent organization (codedthinking). If you are a member/owner, you will need to change your membership to public. See GitHub Help

codecov[bot] commented 4 days ago

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korenmiklos commented 4 days ago

@JuliaRegistrator register

JuliaRegistrator commented 4 days ago

Comments on pull requests will not trigger Registrator, as it is disabled. Please try commenting on a commit or issue.