codedthinking / Kezdi.jl

An umbrella of Julia packages for data analysis, in loving memory of Gábor Kézdi
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Bug: `aside` commands not working properly. #76

Closed gergelyattilakiss closed 3 days ago

gergelyattilakiss commented 4 days ago

aside commands are returning their operations return value and not the previous input.

korenmiklos commented 4 days ago

Did you implement the automatic aside for some functions, or you mean the @aside macro? This also an issue with Chain, it seems to be a parsing error. Maybe @aside rewrites the code too much?

julia> using Chain

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @aside s = @summarize y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Exactly one argument is required for this command: @summarize
 [1] |>(x::ArgumentError, f::typeof(throw))
   @ Base ./operators.jl:917
 [2] generate_command(command::Kezdi.Command; options::Vector{Symbol}, allowed::Vector{Any})
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/codegen.jl:17
 [3] generate_command
   @ ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/codegen.jl:1 [inlined]
 [4] rewrite(::Val{:summarize}, command::Kezdi.Command)
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/rewrites.jl:15
 [5] rewrite(command::Kezdi.Command)
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/rewrites.jl:2
 [6] |>(x::Kezdi.Command, f::typeof(Kezdi.rewrite))
   @ Base ./operators.jl:917
 [7] var"@summarize"(__source__::LineNumberNode, __module__::Module, exprs::Vararg{Any})
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/macros.jl:33
in expression starting at REPL[30]:3

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @aside @summarize y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Exactly one argument is required for this command: @summarize
 [1] |>(x::ArgumentError, f::typeof(throw))
   @ Base ./operators.jl:917
 [2] generate_command(command::Kezdi.Command; options::Vector{Symbol}, allowed::Vector{Any})
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/codegen.jl:17
 [3] generate_command
   @ ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/codegen.jl:1 [inlined]
 [4] rewrite(::Val{:summarize}, command::Kezdi.Command)
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/rewrites.jl:15
 [5] rewrite(command::Kezdi.Command)
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/rewrites.jl:2
 [6] |>(x::Kezdi.Command, f::typeof(Kezdi.rewrite))
   @ Base ./operators.jl:917
 [7] var"@summarize"(__source__::LineNumberNode, __module__::Module, exprs::Vararg{Any})
   @ Kezdi ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/macros.jl:33
in expression starting at REPL[31]:3

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @summarize y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
ERROR: Expected DataFrame as first argument
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:35
 [2] macro expansion
   @ ~/Tresorit/Mac/code/julia/Kezdi.jl/src/rewrites.jl:98 [inlined]
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[32]:4

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @aside @mockmacro y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `@mockmacro` not defined
in expression starting at REPL[33]:3

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @aside Kezdi.@mockmacro y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
1×1 DataFrame
 Row │ mean_y
     │ Float64
   1 │ 1.51044

julia> @chain df begin
       @generate y = log(x)
       @aside s = Kezdi.@mockmacro y
       @collapse mean_y = mean(y)
1×1 DataFrame
 Row │ mean_y
     │ Float64
   1 │ 1.51044

julia> s
Kezdi.Command(:mockmacro, :y, (), nothing, ())
gergelyattilakiss commented 3 days ago

You are right I used confusing naming by using @aside instead of aside, I implement our automatic aside functionality. That is almost done I just want to add the last functionality that prints the value of an aside run, if it is not the last.