codeeu / coding-events

A Django app for adding EU Code Week events and showing them on a map.
MIT License
17 stars 36 forks source link

Migrate to Python 3.x && Django 1.8.x #415

Open RadoRado opened 8 years ago

RadoRado commented 8 years ago

Any thoughts on moving to a newer Python and Django?

A simple check on requirements.txt - - shows 3 packages.

mitio commented 8 years ago

Sounds good.

We haven't planned on upgrading the tech stack as we have a lot more pressing issues to solve first. I'm okay with the upgrade once we get the most urgent stuff out the door as there are now less than two weeks to the start of Code Week.

I'll leave this issue open for later.

As for the openid, we're using it for the login part of the site, I think (or that's socialauth? I'm not sure).

RadoRado commented 8 years ago

Thanks for commenting @mitio

I checked for any references for openid and open_id - found only in requirements.txt

socialauth is used in this project.