codefeathers / rollup-plugin-svelte-svg

Import SVG files as Svelte Components
MIT License
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SVGs don't load (no errors) #7

Closed ArtemKolichenkov closed 4 years ago

ArtemKolichenkov commented 4 years ago

For some reason this plugin doesn't work for me. There are no errors in terminal or browser console. It just renders an blank html tag with the icon name.

I tried to switch position of the plugin in rollup.config.js (before and after svelte) but that didn't help either.

Here's my code

  export let title;
  export let href;
  import settings from "./Icons/filter.svg";

  <settings width="20"/>
  <a {href}>{title}</a>

This is how it looks in inspector

Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 21 13 00
alekspetrov commented 4 years ago

+1 The same issue

ArtemKolichenkov commented 4 years ago

Forgot to mention versions of rollup and svelte I'm using: "rollup": "^1.20.0", "svelte": "^3.0.0"

MKRhere commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the version update; I'll attempt to reproduce the issue today. If you could link to or post the SVG you used, would be super useful to reproduce too.

ArtemKolichenkov commented 4 years ago

@MKRhere I've used feather icons - You can try Settings or Filter but it doesn't matter which one as far as I tested.

c19 commented 4 years ago

same problem here.

c19 commented 4 years ago

hmmm, I'm not sure what happened, but it works now. try add xmlns="" to the svg tag.

jzfgo commented 4 years ago

Same here. In my case I'm using Svelte + Routify.

"@sveltech/routify": "^1.7.13" "svelte": "^3.23.0" "rollup": "^2.14.0"

hmmm, I'm not sure what happened, but it works now. try add xmlns="" to the svg tag.

@c19, care to share your working SVG for debugging?

c19 commented 4 years ago

@jzfgo sorry, didn't check the email last a few days.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 5120 1024">
    d="M230.997333 512L116.053333 626.986667 0
    512l116.010667-116.010667L230.997333 512zM512 230.997333l197.973333
    197.973334 116.053334-115.968L512 0 197.973333 314.026667l116.053334
    115.968L512 230.997333z m395.989333 164.992L793.002667 512l116.010666
    116.010667L1024.981333 512l-116.992-116.010667zM512
    793.002667l-197.973333-198.997334-116.053334 116.010667L512
    1024l314.026667-314.026667-116.053334-115.968L512 793.002667z
    m0-165.973334l116.010667-116.053333L512 396.032 395.989333 512 512
    626.986667z m1220.010667
    39.978667-21.973333 73.984-58.026667
    0.981333 210.005333-51.029333 210.005334-153.002666z
    m-154.026667-239.957333c0 41.984-34.005333 58.965333-89.002667
    58.965333h-113.962666V338.986667h121.984c52.010667 0 80.981333 20.992
    80.981333 58.026666v2.005334z m31.018667 224c0 41.984-32.981333
    61.013333-87.04 61.013333h-146.944v-123.050667h142.976c63.018667 0 91.008
    23.04 91.008 61.013334v1.024z m381.994666
    169.984V230.997333h-123.989333v561.024h123.989333v0.981334z m664.021334
    356.992h104.96z m683.946666 0L3098.026667 228.010667h-113.962667l-241.024
    125.994667h130.005334z m-224.981333-235.008h-148.992l75.008-181.973334
    73.984 181.973334z m814.037333
    356.992h104.96z m636.970667-91.008l-78.976-78.976c-44.032
    39.978667-83.029333 65.962667-148.010667 65.962666-96
    0-162.986667-80-162.986666-176v-2.986666c0-96 67.968-174.976
    162.986666-174.976 55.978667 0 100.010667 23.978667 144
    0-292.992 130.986667-292.992 290.005334V512c0 160.981333 122.965333
    288.981333 288 288.981333 107.989333 1.024 171.989333-36.992
    229.973333-98.986666z m527.018667
    91.008v-109.994667h-305.024v-118.016h265.002666v-109.994667h-265.002666V340.992h301.013333V230.997333h-422.997333v561.024h427.008v0.981334z" />
<svg id="icon-h-top-menu-s" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
    <path d="M599.381333 424.618667H424.618667v174.762666h174.762666V424.618667z m0-253.952H424.618667v174.293333h174.762666V170.666667z m0 508.373333H424.618667V853.333333h174.762666v-174.293333zM344.96 424.618667H170.666667v174.762666h174.293333V424.618667zM853.333333 170.666667h-174.293333v174.293333H853.333333V170.666667z m0 508.373333h-174.293333V853.333333H853.333333v-174.293333z m-508.373333 0H170.666667V853.333333h174.293333v-174.293333zM853.333333 424.618667h-174.293333v174.762666H853.333333V424.618667zM344.96 170.666667H170.666667v174.293333h174.293333V170.666667z"></path>

both works. I guess it has something to do with how it's being used.

import BinanceIcon from "./icons/binance.svg";
  import MenuIcon from "./icons/menu.svg";

<BinanceIcon width="120px" height="24px" />
<MenuIcon width="24px" height="24px" />

Looks like it would work when width and height is assigned.

MKRhere commented 4 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce the issue, so can someone make a smallish sample repo or gist where it doesn't work? Thanks!

jzfgo commented 4 years ago

@c19 Thanks. I tried your code and it works.

@MKRhere The problem seems to be in the naming of the variable of the imported SVG, as it doesn't work if you use lowercase as its first character.

The moment I switched the variable names to PascalCase, the problems went away.

The thing that made it so confusing to me is that the example in the README uses lowercase.

MKRhere commented 4 years ago

That makes sense. I'll update the example and things should be fine :)

c19 commented 4 years ago

Ha, interesting.We should probably allow lowercase import?

MKRhere commented 4 years ago

It is a Svelte convention that components should be Uppercased to differentiate from HTML tags