codefen / codefend-user

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[FRONT-BACK] - Política de contraseñas #106

Closed mleonardogonzalo closed 1 month ago

mleonardogonzalo commented 2 months ago

Las contraseñas deben tener al menos 12 caracteres, una letra mayúscula, una minúscula, un número y un caracter especial. Cantidad máxima de reintentos: 3

chrisrusso commented 1 month ago

Modificado en creación de usuario, invoke de usuario y cambios de password... 16 chars, 1 upper, 1 low, 1 num, 1 specialchar

chrisrusso commented 1 month ago

$password_regex = '/^(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.\d)(?=.[^a-zA-Z\d\s]).{16,}$/';

Explanation of the regex:

^: Asserts the start of the string. (?=.[a-z]): Positive lookahead to ensure at least one lowercase letter. (?=.[A-Z]): Positive lookahead to ensure at least one uppercase letter. (?=.\d): Positive lookahead to ensure at least one digit. (?=.[^a-zA-Z\d\s]): Positive lookahead to ensure at least one special character. [^a-zA-Z\d\s] matches any character that is not a letter (upper or lower), digit, or whitespace. .{16,}: Matches any character (except for line terminators) at least 16 times. $: Asserts the end of the string.