codefog / contao-cookiebar

Display the information about cookies on your Contao website
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Analytics checkbox selected by default #72

Closed FalcoFr closed 4 years ago

FalcoFr commented 4 years ago

Hey there, i have a question about the cookie bar. I chose the opt-in variant and it all works.

I want the checkbox by default to be selected. So if you just click on Accept button the cookies for Google Analytics are set. I wrote the following code in the cookiebar template: <input type = "checkbox" class = "cookiebar__analytics-checkbox" checked value = "" data-cookiebar-analytics> <span class = "cookiebar__analytics-text"> <? = $ this-> analyticsCheckbox ['label']?> </span> I used the "checked" attribute to preselect the button. Unfortunately, he still does not set the cookies. Do you have any ideas?

qzminski commented 4 years ago

What cookies do you actually expect? The cookiebar itself does not use cookies but stores its data in localStorage in order to not break your website caching.

FalcoFr commented 4 years ago

Basically again: Google Analytics cookies are only set if you have selected the checkbox field and then clicked Accept. It works wonderfully.

But I want the checkbox to be preselected so that the user of the website only has to click "Accept" and the cookies are set. I tried that as written above with the attribute "checked". But unfortunately it doesn't work.

I hope I could now describe my problem a little better

qzminski commented 4 years ago

Ah, you meant the analytics cookies. If you followed the guide in the docs, then they should be set after you reload the page – can you confirm this behavior?

FalcoFr commented 4 years ago

Yes, everything works without my adjustment.

But it is not recognized by the cookie bar that the checkbox is already selected with my attribute "Checked" which I have inserted into the template.

As in the picture, the check is already set. But he doesn't recognize this when i click "Accept" Cookiebar

qzminski commented 4 years ago

Can you post a complete source code of your modified cookiebar template? The code you have added looks strange as it contains some unnecessary spaces…

FalcoFr commented 4 years ago

Here is the code:


if ($this->includeCss) {
    $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'system/modules/cookiebar/assets/dist/cookiebar.min.css|all' . ($this->combineAssets ? '|static' : '');

if ($this->combineAssets) {
    $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'system/modules/cookiebar/assets/dist/cookiebar.min.js|static';

<!-- indexer::stop -->
<div class="cookiebar cookiebar--position-<?= $this->position ?>" role="complementary" aria-describedby="cookiebar-text" style="display:none;" data-cookiebar="<?= $this->cookie ?>"<?php if ($this->ttl): ?> data-cookiebar-ttl="<?= $this->ttl ?>"<?php endif; ?>>
    <div id="cookiebar-text" class="cookiebar__text" aria-live="assertive" role="alert">
        <span class="cookiebar__message"><?= $this->message ?></span>

        <?php if ($this->more): ?>
            <a href="<?= $this->more['url'] ?>" class="cookiebar__link" title="<?= specialchars($this->more['label']) ?>"><?= $this->more['label'] ?></a>
        <?php endif ?>

    <?php if ($this->analyticsCheckbox): ?>
        <div class="cookiebar__analytics">
            <label class="cookiebar__analytics-label">
                <input type="checkbox" class="cookiebar__analytics-checkbox" checked value="" data-cookiebar-analytics> <span class="cookiebar__analytics-text" ><?= $this->analyticsCheckbox['label'] ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <button class="cookiebar__button" data-cookiebar-accept><?= $this->button ?></button>

<?php if (!$this->combineAssets): ?>
    <script src="system/modules/cookiebar/assets/dist/cookiebar.min.js" defer></script>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- indexer::continue -->

I only added the "checked" value in the input type="checkbox".... But it wont work..

qzminski commented 4 years ago

I forgot that the checkbox updates the localStorage immediately on change event and without waiting for the button click. Try to put the below code in your custom cookiebar template:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        if (!window.localStorage.getItem('<?= $this->cookie ?>') || window.localStorage.getItem('<?= $this->cookie ?>') <= Math.round( / 1000)) {
            document.querySelector('[data-cookiebar-analytics]').checked = true;
            window.localStorage.setItem('COOKIEBAR_ANALYTICS', 1);
qzminski commented 4 years ago

You know what, I will release a new hotfix version in a few minutes that should fix this automatically, so your code will work without that ugly JS.

qzminski commented 4 years ago

This bug should be fixed in 2.3.1 and your code should work now :+1: