codefog / contao-news_categories

Extend the Contao news module with categories
MIT License
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4.13 :: Functioning of Cumulative Filter #243

Open johannes-bittner opened 1 year ago

johannes-bittner commented 1 year ago

I use a fresh install of contao-news_categories (3.5.5) in a Contao 4.13.25 installation. Unfortunately, I can't get the cumulative filter to work the way I understand it:

I have project type categories (like A, B, C, D, ...) that I want to combine with project status categories (like Active/Stalled) in order to create news list modules that show only news items that belong to both selected categories, like Project A AND Active (and NOT all Projet A iteam regardless of status active/stalled):


But the news list module as well as a filtered list module always produces an OR-combination (like displaying all items that are either Project A OR active), so basically like if I had checked the second filter option ("Filter news and categories using union (x OR y) ..."). Is there a way to achieve this or is the filtering not working properly?