codeforamerica / MuniciPal

:speech_balloon: Consulting city-dwellers about legislation near them.
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invalid geojson object #154

Closed tbuckl closed 9 years ago

tbuckl commented 9 years ago

it looks like ESRI/Mapbox issues are plaguing the site again?

tbuckl commented 9 years ago

another potential culprit? the url for Mesa's rest service for their boundary data is no longer valid:

techieshark commented 9 years ago

Thanks for looking into this, @buckleytom.

I also noticed that Typekit giving access denied (perhaps it was never set up for the domain), and the fonts are falling back to system fonts. I'm putting together a new typekit kit for use over there now.


techieshark commented 9 years ago

But that invalid response from the Mesa ESRI boundary service is definitely a problem.


@buckleytom any idea what that URL might not work any more?

jcturner commented 9 years ago

The issue with the Mesa ESRI boundary service has been fixed. It was accidently deleted. We added delete protection on the feature service this time, so hopefully this won’t happen again Thanks for letting us know.

tbuckl commented 9 years ago

thanks @jcturner!