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improve icons for zoning, subdivision plats #92

Open techieshark opened 9 years ago

techieshark commented 9 years ago

Currently we use a cog icon for things that don't have a better icon. For zoning issues and subdivision plats, it seems like we should be able to find a better icon than this:

image (Screenshot from District 6)

I don't see any great ones in Font Awesome so this is a little harder than just replacing a fa-something class in the html with fa-something-better. We could pull in icons from Noun Project though.

Some Noun Project icons that might work:

techieshark commented 9 years ago

Thoughts on implementation:

Currently EventItem.render() does some transforms to make the title a bit more readable. We could move that to this function which gets called before render(). In the code that figures out if an Oridinance is a zoning ordinance, it could also create a EventItem.item.matter_subtype property and set it to 'zoning', and then when we set the icon here we could choose a better icon if matter_subtype is set.

A couple other thoughts: