codeforamerica / MuniciPal

:speech_balloon: Consulting city-dwellers about legislation near them.
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sort legislative items by number of comments #99

Open tbuckl opened 9 years ago

tbuckl commented 9 years ago

this came out of a discussion with @michaelhwan

techieshark commented 9 years ago

99 issues of code on the wall.. 99 issues of code, take one down, pass it around, 98 issues of code on the wall...

until @buckleytom sticks another one up there. ;)

54 is somewhat related.

Also, I wonder if @michaelhwan could say more about why he wants this? Another thing I was thinking is it'd be nice to be able to see recent comments, and I wonder if these two ideas could be combined somehow.

ianmesa commented 9 years ago

This is definitely related to number #54! Ill chime in as to why this would be great: Could allow users to target the most talked about issues and could make it easier for them to view/add their voice to that conversation. Without a way of sorting by comments users currently have no way of easily knowing which items are being commented on, let alone which ones have the most - least.