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Round 3 -- Chill #27

Closed degriff closed 9 years ago

degriff commented 9 years ago

Life is full of "hurry up and wait" moments. Waiting is hard -- trust me, I want to know if I made it to Round 3. I have gone through many rounds in my career to become number 2 for the position. Like many still here, I'm waiting on notification as Round 3 finalists.

To my Round 2 peers, I want to give you this quote from Winston Churchill. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." This captures my feelings that the emotions of success/failure are transitory. Success is not immediately known. I have been the depths of despair to see that it worked. "No news" is no news. I trust that CfA will let us know if we did not make Round 3.

Second message to my Round 2 peers. If I don't go to Round 3, I will be digging deep into the bios of next year's Fellows. I want to try to understand how they moved on. Succeed/fail for a position is an external assessment. We choose to accept the assessment as personal attack or opportunity for growth. I hope that my peers seek growth.

Wind00r commented 9 years ago

Good thoughts, @degriff. I've been frantically checking this (and my email) all day; and your post has given me a new perspective.

Thank you, and good luck!

degriff commented 9 years ago

Thank you, Erin. I tempered my post because I've been a hiring manager. I have read resumes/applications to separate the "wheat from the chaff." Making Round 2 means that there is "kernel" of wheat to grow the project. May our paths may cross as CfA fellows

beccablazak commented 9 years ago

Hey @degriff and @Wind00r, thanks for sharing your thoughts! You should be receiving notification on your progress in the next 48hrs. Best of luck!

Klharris commented 9 years ago

Thanks @degriff for the great advice--- and I believe I will just chill out.

HJSender commented 9 years ago

For people who are still stressed about the timeline of this process I just noticed the part 3 'tentative deadline' in the selection steps google doc has been pushed to the 10th. So there is plenty of time and we can all follow @degriff's lead and be a bit more zen about this process.

[She said while checking her email for the umpteenth time]

kgaston commented 9 years ago

Thank you @degriff. @HJSender I also noticed that the Google doc has been changed to August 10th.

degriff commented 9 years ago

@beccablazak, Thank you for the acknowledgment and breathe of hope.

@Wind00r, @Klharris, @HJSender, & @kgaston, I trust that you like me answered our Round 2 questions like me using the best of the known knowledge. What scares me is the unknown knowledge. I know that I do not know US Civil War intimately. There are areas that I know that I do not know. For me, I fear not moving to Round 3 for something that I should have known.

AdrianDeBarros commented 9 years ago

Innovate the lot, challenge stale thoughts. One city at a time, Welcome to the Civic Sandlot!

Patience is a virtue, Exercised by the exhausted few.

Look down, laces eschew the knot. Lace up your courage and tie what's not.

degriff commented 9 years ago

Nice touch, Adrian!