codeforamerica / brigade-information

Data about Code for America brigades and other civic tech organizations for the CfA API
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Add tag to Code for America #136

Closed k3KAW8Pnf7mkmdSMPHz27 closed 2 years ago

k3KAW8Pnf7mkmdSMPHz27 commented 2 years ago

The change adds the tag Code for America to the organization "Code for America".

The Brigade Index Statusboard ( displays projects whose organization is tagged as either Brigade or Code for America. At the moment, this doesn't include the organization "Code for America".

themightychris commented 2 years ago

We're looking to add this so that projects under Code for America's github org come up in the brigade project index when searches are filtered down to CfA. This seems like the most obvious way to address that if it doesn't conflict w/ how CfA uses this tag. Otherwise we'll have to hard code that CfA is orgs with the CfA tag OR CfA itself

k3KAW8Pnf7mkmdSMPHz27 commented 2 years ago

Note that from, the tag Code for America is described as for "Code for America Brigade"

themightychris commented 2 years ago

there is also a Brigade tag though... I wonder if there are any existing cases of orgs that are Code for America but not Brigade

giosce commented 2 years ago

I think we should move ahead with this update. There are more than 700 cfa repos, we can't leave them out of the index! And ReVisioning calls for more national projects, they need to show in the Project Index.

themightychris commented 2 years ago

@tdooner can you think of anything that would break if we add the cfa tag to the cfa org itself? Brigades all have the brigade tag too

tdooner commented 2 years ago

@themightychris I don't think we use this repo for anything internally at CfA anymore, so I think it should be pretty safe to do whatever you want here.

themightychris commented 2 years ago

@tdooner can you check for us who all has access to merge changes in this repo? I don't

tdooner commented 2 years ago

@themightychris I should have just given you access to manage this repo, give it a shot?