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Prep/consider expansion to Contra Costa #235

Closed lippytak closed 9 years ago

lippytak commented 9 years ago

BLUF: We would expand to Contra Costa (CC) to learn about application bottlenecks in another county (aka build the funnel) and compare them to SF. Common bottlenecks suggests product/feature opportunities. Disparate bottlenecks suggest there's something important to know but we might not have the hammer (business process interventions, policy interventions, etc.)

Table stakes (aka what we need to move forward)

@dave can you review the goals + table stakes above? Does this capture what we want to learn and what we need to say yes?

@RebeccaCoelius can you sanity check the rationale above for expanding clean to Contra Costa? Anything obvious we're not considering?

Notes from first convo with Vakil

Next steps

daguar commented 9 years ago

Overall, :+1:, but a few notes:

CC covers ~2 days/week for someone to do Clean application tracking

Gut check: is this the level of effort? Feels like it could be high, but I may be wrong and you have a better finger on the pulse.

Vakil intros us to ~3 intermediaries who would be active users (probably food bank and other groups currently doing screening + referral or application assistance) so we can talk to them on the phone.

I think it's worth going out there for a day and meeting with all these folks (assistors + internal agency folks). It's not far and would be just the right thing to do for county # 2.

daguar commented 9 years ago

Some thoughts I put in Slack:

A few of my thoughts re expanding Clean to Contra Costa:


  1. Main goal is to test our current hypothesized scaling model: specifically, if an agency does nothing more than add an email address accepting password-protected applications, will the existing business processes handle it?
  2. 2nd goal is to control for SF-specific variables: we have no clue how much of SF HSA's internal processes (and clients' failure points) are similar to the rest of CA. This is the first step to learning what things are generally how counties do it vs. just how SF does it.
  3. We instrument the biz process both for above learning goals but ALSO to ensure all clients through our system succeed, despite potential failure: that's the main justification for staff time, IMHO.

Arguments for Contra Costa as the 2nd county

  1. To scale responsibly, the 2nd county needs the higher level of buy-in to instrument biz process (to learn about funnel + make sure all eligible approved) —— we have that in Contra Costa but nowhere else yet (except maybe Solano). It's an opportunistic call.
  2. Intuition — SF is more dissimilar to other counties in CA than it is similar. Contra Costa is just straight-up more like the avg county.
  3. CA counties basically have 3 types — urban coastal, rural central CA, and LA. Eventually we want to understand the rural+LA, but for now let's make sure we understand urban coastal.
  4. It's close — so we can have more personal relationship.
alanjosephwilliams commented 9 years ago

Also from Slack:

@lippytak in the comment above you state the CC's participation rate is ~58%, with a future target of 75%. In the spreadsheet produced by Diana with ACS data, the adjusted participation rate point estimate is ~85% (SF's is 49% by comparison). Is there something that needs be resolved there, or should we use a particular dataset for these discussions?

I definitely think that Contra Costa serves as a decent proxy for exurban counties, which characterizes a substantial segment of California counties. They are going to have a different ecosystem based on that characterization—different population types, different mobility needs, fewer institutions with well established track records of service delivery and assistance (i.e. its more recently urbanized).

I'd also like to get explicit here about what features we think will be required (and timeline for those features, h/t @daguar). It sounds like a lot of that is just going from 1 client to two, abstracting away hard-coded things here and there—and almost nothing user facing.