We were just trying to load the CSV data by using the URL string provided in the loaddata.js file in the utils folder. This is the string here:
var yesterday = moment().subtract('days', 1).format('MMDDYYYY');
var url = 'http://courtview.atlantaga.gov/courtcalendars/' +
'court_online_calendar/codeamerica.' + yesterday + '.csv';
That file doesn't seem to be available anymore.
Does anyone have a current URL that works, or a sample of a csv file that came from the link in the past. We are just trying to show judiciary here what other states provide.
We were just trying to load the CSV data by using the URL string provided in the loaddata.js file in the utils folder. This is the string here:
var yesterday = moment().subtract('days', 1).format('MMDDYYYY'); var url = 'http://courtview.atlantaga.gov/courtcalendars/' + 'court_online_calendar/codeamerica.' + yesterday + '.csv';
That file doesn't seem to be available anymore.
Does anyone have a current URL that works, or a sample of a csv file that came from the link in the past. We are just trying to show judiciary here what other states provide.