codeforamerica / howto

How To Do Things
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Related 18F project with dev environment guides - feel free to reuse #42

Open brittag opened 8 years ago

brittag commented 8 years ago

Hi Code for America! Over at 18F, a few of us had a similar motivation for writing a few basic guides: we want to make it easier for coworkers and external contributors to work on our projects, so we'd like to link project install instructions to background information about using the relevant language and related tools. It's been helpful to look at this howto project, and I wanted to share what we've come up with so far (still in early stages), to invite you to reuse anything that looks useful (CC0/public domain):

daguar commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the ping @brittag! I thought I'd share that one intentional choice that's been made here is to limit how much we write and instead focus on linking out to external resources that are likely to stay up to date (eg, the Ruby web site.) The motivation was to avoid things getting out of date while still providing some shared infrastructure for READMEs.