Support the ability to ask questions, have them seen in public, available for people to answer, and for AnswerTeam/CityStaff to prioritize.
Quora has a lovely model we can steal for Answers.
1a. Search for questions. If what you're looking for isn't found, "Ask a Question" go to 2.
1b. Click an "Ask a Question" button, go to 2
Enter the question. Quora performs a search and shows up to five likely duplicates. "This is a new question" go to 3.
Add a description. Add tags. Choose primary tag. Save.
Save-now-Share dialog. Confirm question saved, those following tags will see this in their queue, and offer options for additional sharing: post to blog; share on twitter, fb; email this. Used to widen the readers of the question to solicit answers.
Different than Quora:
In addition to public voting of questions, let the AnswersTeam moderate (horrific language; statements posing as questions; other entries against policy)
Let CityStaff have a separate vote-up or positive flag to indicate a Q worthy of more attention (prioritization of the top 10%). This is separate from endorsing an answer.
Support the ability to ask questions, have them seen in public, available for people to answer, and for AnswerTeam/CityStaff to prioritize.
Quora has a lovely model we can steal for Answers.
1a. Search for questions. If what you're looking for isn't found, "Ask a Question" go to 2.
1b. Click an "Ask a Question" button, go to 2
Different than Quora: