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Two-factor auth for social service clients #47

Open daguar opened 9 years ago

daguar commented 9 years ago

BLUF: 2-factor authentication (e.g., you receive a text message with a code when you try to log in) may well be both (a) more secure and (b) more usable for social service clients than the status quo (hard-to-remember security questions, difficult registration processes involving email which many people don't have.) We should test to see if this is true.

Project Needs:

Status: discovery/idea/exploratory

Other details: This is mostly a stub — more to come. The hunch is this: from understanding our users to-date, receiving a text or phone call will be easier than the status quo (security questions, registration processes.) This could potentially be a generalizable pattern across government services.

cc @cydharrell @konklone

Raseman commented 9 years ago

Important and really difficult problem. Another avenue to consider: cities and other entities as ID verifiers. Some cities have created ID cards, for examples. ( This could be an important component of solutions for populations who do not have cell phones.

yesezra commented 9 years ago

Do you want to add a second factor for auth (i.e. email + sms token) or just replace email with a better first factor (email => sms token)?

daguar commented 9 years ago

...or just replace email with a better first factor (email => sms token)?

I think you've hit the nail on the head @ahhrrr. I think I was using 2-factor auth too loosely when I really meant "better factors" (which is a harder thing, I think, for folks to understand — 2FA they have often experienced already as "oh! that text thing")

But yeah! I totally think this is what I'm getting at: can we have a factor that somehow improves usability with minimal/no security sacrifice relative to the status quo?

(Other good question to ask: what are the risks of a breach? If they are very low, what's the optimal minimal barrier?)

konklone commented 9 years ago

I know some places are moving to "passwordless" systems, where they essentially use the "reset password" workflow as the sole login path. So, put in your email, click the email you get sent to log in.

I think a device as the only factor would also be a big improvement, if your users are prepared and suited for that. On non-smartphones, that's SMS -- for smartphones, Google Authenticator or Authy are better options (though offering an SMS fallback can be very helpful if you lose your phone -- while also increasing the attack surface).

Here's an idea: a city could buy all its affected residents FIDO keys, which are a new and totally wonderful standard token for logging in to things. Google is the first place to launch with support for it. They can be quite cheap. But of course, purchase, delivery, replacement, etc. are all concerns, and not as simple as using people's existing phones.

Raseman commented 9 years ago

I really like @konklone 's idea - this feels like something that NSTIC grants could pilot. Here are the current grantees: Maybe Jeremy Grant from NIST could work with cities CFA identifies to explore pilot potential.

greggish commented 9 years ago

This also sounds similar to the GDS's recent advances on digital identity in the UK?

migurski commented 9 years ago

I’m a bit of an anti-vaxxer for 2FA, and I like the idea of the passwordless flow that @konklone describes. Is security the right thing to worry about here, in contrast to accessibility? Do we know how often social service users lose phones or change numbers?

konklone commented 9 years ago

I’m a bit of an anti-vaxxer for 2FA, and I like the idea of the passwordless flow that @konklone describes.

It's definitely a big improvement over a password. It's still completely susceptible to phishing and abuse.

Is security the right thing to worry about here, in contrast to accessibility?

I've gotten hacked emails, tweets, even snapchats from my mother, from other relatives, from friends, from old professional acquaintances. Google is working on FIDO keys because their users get phished so viciously. Phishing is an epic issue, and depending on what kind of city services we're talking about here, the audience may be more vulnerable to it than most. They'll certainly be more vulnerable than you or I. Don't sacrifice security.

Of course, making something hard to use or easy to mess up is also a form of insecurity. It's probably worth talking with users to figure out what works best for them.

Raseman commented 9 years ago

I would second that security is a huge issue - critical benefits are stolen all the time. 2FA doesn't necessarily fix that, of course.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Eric Mill wrote:

I’m a bit of an anti-vaxxer for 2FA, and I like the idea of the passwordless flow that @konklone describes.

It's definitely a big improvement over a password. It's still completely susceptible to phishing and abuse.

Is security the right thing to worry about here, in contrast to accessibility?

I've gotten hacked emails, tweets, even snapchats from my mother, from other relatives, from friends, from old professional acquaintances. Google is working on FIDO keys because their users get phished so viciously. Phishing is an epic issue, and depending on what kind of city services we're talking about here, the audience may be more vulnerable to it than most. They'll certainly be more vulnerable than you or I. Don't sacrifice security.

Of course, making something hard to use or easy to mess up is also a form of insecurity. It's probably worth talking with users to figure out what works best for them.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

migurski commented 9 years ago

Of course, making something hard to use or easy to mess up is also a form of insecurity. It's probably worth talking with users to figure out what works best for them.

That’s what I’m asking, yeah. Wacky password rules lead to passwords written on post-its and stuck to monitors. Is a client’s phone a reliable part of the loop?

daguar commented 9 years ago

Wonderful conversation — lots of points I want to digest and discuss more.

For a concrete example of what I think of as a "better factor" — maybe (1) phone factor with (2) password?

(This replaces email+password, which is a real barrier for lots of clients in social services.)

konklone commented 9 years ago

(1) phone factor with (2) password

I think in practice that'd just boil down to one factor anyway, because if you're not depending on email, how would you reset your password except through your phone?

(This replaces email+password, which is a real barrier for lots of clients in social services.)

If email is the barrier here, then I think you're looking at using SMS, TOTP (e.g. Authy) or token (e.g. Yubikey) as the sole factor. SMS is not as secure as a FIDO token, but has the benefit of transferring smoothly from device to device, and already being deliverable to basically everyone.

I don't think any of the people on this thread are security experts, and some consultation would be warranted before shipping anything.

benjaminstrahs commented 9 years ago

I don't have a ton of context here, but have experience with various authentication mechanisms. Some high level thoughts:

Passwordless authentication

Email vs SMS

Authentication is a hard problem. Depending on the service, you may be able to get around it (i.e. for checking an EBT balance, you don't need additional authentication, just the credit card). I wonder if you couldn't use some 3rd party login service (Google, Facebook, any OAuth provider really) which has handled a lot of these issues (including creating accounts without email addresses). If that's not acceptable, I would try to build this modularly enough that anyone could use it - or even run it as an OAuth service. Doing a security review/code audit would also be a good idea (I can help with that, and have other security minded friends that could probably chip in).

fureigh commented 9 years ago

+1ing the question @migurski raised above:

Is a client’s phone a reliable part of the loop?

I recall meeting a woman in Long Beach who was homeless and wanted to access medical services but mentioned, when asked for contact information, that her cell phone had recently been stolen. People who are experiencing homelessness or otherwise have unstable housing are likely more exposed to risk of theft than are other demographics. Hopefully it's possible to find a solution that doesn't impose another barrier to accessing services at a time when someone might most need them.