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CalFresh & So Clean: Dead simple CalFresh application #6

Open lippytak opened 10 years ago

lippytak commented 10 years ago

BLUF: CalFresh & So Clean is a dead simple CalFresh application (yes yes we can change the name fineeeeee) Project Needs: Dev + designer + Jake to run interference with SF (mostly done!) Status: Pie with serious interest to do this soon UPDATED! Status: In progress (Dave and Jake)

Here are some important facts:

And the idea:

lippytak commented 10 years ago

Soliciting @abhinemani's thoughts...

daguar commented 10 years ago

Really basic questions:

  1. How would they establish eligibility for someone with just those 3 fields?
  2. Will the enrollment process be significantly delayed / outcomes poorer using this approach?
  3. Is the agency obliged to follow-up?
lippytak commented 10 years ago
  1. They wouldn't. To be clear, even the 55 screens and hundred questions via is insufficient to establish eligibility. The basic flow for CalFresh is always application > interview (phone or in person) + repeat until all verification docs are confirmed.
  2. IMO it will increase the agency burden but decrease client burden all around. Not sure about delays.
  3. Yes, not sure about timeframes. But agency needs to respond to all applications. The likely next step here would be to schedule a phone interview.
daguar commented 10 years ago

Per our phone chat, one way to deal with concern about having the application sent through an API is to have a big disclaimer modal at the beginning in easy-to-read language explaining what will happen.

For example…

We're going to fax your application in using something called 'SERVICENAME' (with URL). To do this, SERVICENAME will have access to your application for a few minutes -- after it's been sent, we'll tell them to delete it.

On Apr 26, 2014, at 1:56 PM, Jake Solomon wrote:

They wouldn't. To be clear, even the 55 screens and hundred questions via is insufficient to establish eligibility. The basic flow for CalFresh is always application > interview (phone or in person) + repeat until all verification docs are confirmed. IMO it will increase the agency burden but decrease client burden all around. Not sure about delays. Yes, not sure about timeframes. But agency needs to respond to all applications. The likely next step here would be to schedule a phone interview. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

daguar commented 10 years ago

I'm happy to do the dev work on this.

In Ruby, it looks like we can programmatically fill out the forms with:

daguar commented 10 years ago

I've successfully got Ruby writing to the CalFresh application PDF.

This file is the the application with each field filled out with its hidden name (e.g., "Text1 PG 1"):

daguar commented 10 years ago

Code under development here:

lippytak commented 10 years ago

Running out the door but here is the VERY basics:

data elements

income threshold (

eligibility if income < income_threshold and citizen and not receiving SSI return "probably eligible!"


And the form:

Note that ONLY name, address, signature, and probably contact info will get printed to the form. The other questions are just so we can give helpful context like "you probably aren't eligible because XYZ, but you can apply anyway!" Actually determining income with deductions and all is a longer process.

lippytak commented 10 years ago

Moved to application repo:

Would love your thoughts on this one, @jmadans

jmadans commented 10 years ago

I really like the idea of using the fax loophole to create an alternative, much more stripped down online application process. You should check out, if you haven't.

A few thoughts:

  1. We really, really need a stock of people signing up for Calfresh to test this approach and track how the follow up deviates from the in-person or web application response (number of touch points on either side required for completion and overall time taken to get enrolled). How do we do that?
  2. Does this work for or against HSA's metrics? If they are judged on how many unique applications they get then this is the easy acquisition hack they have been waiting for. But if the metric that matters is more like the percentage of people in the funnel completing to enrollment then maybe not so much.
  3. Are we trying to prove that people will apply online if the form is dead simple?
  4. My biggest worry is that the snail mail follow up and multiple follow-up interviews leaves everyone with the same conclusions that led to the current online application.
lippytak commented 10 years ago

Thanks! My responses:

1) We really, really need a stock of people signing up for Calfresh to test this approach and track how the follow up deviates from the in-person or web application response (number of touch points on either side required for completion and overall time taken to get enrolled). How do we do that?

I think goal of MVP is to process a small number of official applications (1-3 people from our own network, like you nudge nudge, or high touch at 1235 with clients in lobby) through this route to show "how easy an online application could be" and then take this demo to the next CWDA to start influencing the CalWIN consortium. I don't think quantitative metrics or deep research is necessary for this goal, but let's discuss if you think otherwise.

2) Does this work for or against HSA's metrics? If they are judged on how many unique applications they get then this is the easy acquisition hack they have been waiting for. But if the metric that matters is more like the percentage of people in the funnel completing to enrollment then maybe not so much.

The most relevant metrics are probably caseload (they always want growth), participation rate (CA is notoriously bad), and administrative cost/application. They don't really care about absolute # of initial applications. Making a dead simple online application probably is good for the first two and bad for the third. This is a real tradeoff for the agency and the reason we can't scale this up arbitrarily...because it necessarily shifts some of the initial burden from client to agency.

3) Are we trying to prove that people will apply online if the form is dead simple?

Two thoughts. First, I think we're trying to demonstrate that real human service applications can be dead simple. Second, we're furthering Dave's point that the primary online application for most services doesn't need to address every possible corner case, but rather should solve the 80% case gracefully and only ramp up when required.

4) My biggest worry is that the snail mail follow up and multiple follow-up interviews leaves everyone with the same conclusions that led to the current online application.

Agreed. Sadly that's how works right now so I wouldn't expect any big changes. Currently you apply online > get a letter > do your interview > exchange verification docs > get official enrollment decision. All we're doing is making the first part dead simple (I may be misunderstanding what you mean by 'same conclusions that led to the current online application').

TianaWertheim commented 10 years ago

Right now we don't know how much/many Eligibility Workers rely on the data submitted via the cumbersome online MyBenefitsCalWIN application. If they basically scratch it and start from the beginning with the interview, the So Clean application wouldn't cause more work per app. If that's the case, the only increased admin burden would come from the likely increase in online apps.

I bet there is great variation in how EWs handle online apps. It's probably worth doing some interviews with them.

lippytak commented 10 years ago

I spoke with a couple EWs so far about this so far but will continue to probe. They don't scrap it but they often verify the info anyway. It sounds like a shorter initial application will lengthen the phone interview a little bit, but not much. Of course EWs would prefer more info upfront, but it doesn't seem to add too much burden (~5 mins) during the interview. We now have an internal HSA team (one from records mgmt, one EW, one from MEDS team) to help us smooth out the process and strike the right balance of upfront client burden. I'll keep you posted as we learn more.

daguar commented 6 years ago

I've removed the label "prototype"