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re-organize Google Drive #12

Closed mapsam closed 9 years ago

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Here's a first crack at re-organizing the Drive. Thinking we have three buckets:

  1. Admin
  2. Projects/Research
  3. Notes/Meetings

What do you think? Probably requires a few currently existing folders to be renamed. The goal is to start putting some of our research into project-specific folders so we can have it all in one place. That's what makes sense to me, but if it doesn't to you this is definitely open for critique!

Team Admin * 
  | - Coding Guidelines
  | - Contacts
  | - Blog
  | - Travel Budget *
  | - etc...

Projects & Research *
  | - Build Week
  | - Code Across
  | - Financial Verification
  | - Services List
  | - Data  
  | - Design  
  | - Ideas
  | - Research

Meetings & Notes * 
  | - Lecture Notes
  | - Meetings
  | - Presentations
  | - Templates
  | - User Interviews
  | - Daily Check-ins
bengolder commented 9 years ago

Thanks for taking initiative on this. Personally, I'd rather aim to reduce the total number of folders instead of adding a new layer. But I like the simplicity of your top layer. Could we eliminate/combine/archive more folders or files? Could file-renaming make things easier to find without adding new folders? Just thinking.

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Good point! I like that. It seems that we could triage all of the research into their own projects as a first step. There is probably no need for "lecture notes" or "presentations" in the /meetings & notes folder since they are fairly empty.

What about /ideas folder? It feels pretty vague to me right now.

bengolder commented 9 years ago

Yeah, if we don't have a strong reason to keep a folder, I say scrap it. We can combine "ideas"-type stuff into design if we want. I imagine design to be a place that can hold ideas/sketches/lists/needs that we've thought about.

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Okay cool - here's an updated structure:

Team Admin * 
  | - Contacts
  | - Blog
  | - Travel Budget *
  | - RVA Presentations
  | - etc...

Projects & Research *
  | - Build Week
  | - Code Across
  | - Financial Verification
  | - Services List
  | - Data
  | - Design & Ideas
     | - User Interviews

Meetings & Notes * 
  | - Meetings & lecture notes (organized by month?)
  | - Daily Check-ins (also organized by month?)

  | - Templates

is that fewer? removed coding guidelines since it's just a single file that can live under /admin

mapsam commented 9 years ago
Team Admin * 
  | - Contacts
  | - Blog
  | - Travel Budget *
  | - RVA Presentations
  | - etc...

Projects & Research *
  | - Build Week
  | - Code Across
  | - Financial Verification (all 'design' goes into this)
  | - Services List
  | - Data
  | - User Interviews

Meetings & Notes * 
  | - Meetings & lecture notes (organized by month?)
  | - Daily Check-ins (also organized by month?)

  | - Templates
mapsam commented 9 years ago

Complete! Final decision after our weekly check-in was to use the above template, but move our most used projects to the root level directory for quick access. New root level directories are as follows:

Meetings & Notes
Financial Verification (project)
Services List (project)